80s australian slang

Nice. Now out of the Military and 60-yrs young, I still speak Aussie than anything. Used for emphasis and to sum up, this phrase essentially means, thats that or there you have it., All you gotta do is take it out of the freezer, open the package, warm it upand Bobs your uncle., Check outBritish Slang WordsGen-Z Slang WordsNY Slang Words. Randomly shout out "Schwing!" If they stare at you like you're having a mental collapse, they're probably one of those darned Millennials. Im vejjodoes this have any meat in it, mate?. pommy shower If youre sprung, youve been caught doing something wrong in Australia. When I picked my child up from kindie today they told me that they spent the day finger painting.. As far as Im concerned, anyone who believes the news about the UFO has kangaroos loose in the top paddock.. ? Kegga Redhead (Same as Ranga, specific to Berwick) To say that someone has kangaroos loose in the top paddock is to say that theyre either not very bright, eccentric, or foolish. Shark biscuit can also stand for a body board, its like a surf board but smaller. Tinny= metal boat How did you not see a charter boat? Whats the John Dory? , Furphy, youre telling a furphy. Sua gosto de ti ler meu mente ! Refers to person that is intellectually challenged. Sad its hardly used any more! Mongrel actually means a mixed breed or stray dog. Hard yakka is Aussie slang for hard work. 80s Slang - Etsy Come over here for a minute. Drop your guts = Pass wind Um fantstico ler. I have often heard and used, howyagoin. The name became a generalization for any such device. I couldnt believe his attitude; he was really lairing it up to impress his friends.. Up the duff = Pregnant Muso - a musician. Make sure you visit the Outback while youre in Australia.. A zac was a sixpence, a trey a threepence and a deener was a shilling coin. This is a day off work without being actually sick. MacDonalds, you know that famous fast food burger joint, is only known as Maccas over here! bad - so bad it's good; you don't f with bad folks. You will soon become accustomed to this! If youre struggling changing over from miles to kilometers, take the challenge a step further and use the Australian term for a kilometer. When something is cactus in Australia, it means its ceased to work or is dead. For some reason, which I cant explain, the word fits perfectly. Darwin stubby If you see someone cute on your trip to Australia and you want to make a move, you may want to crack onto them, aka hit on them. When I looked into the story about the UFO crash I realized it was all a porky pie.. The 1980s Slang That Defined The Decade - Babbel Magazine Righty: if not being directed to take a right or chuck a right, it is to do the right thing, do a good deed Some clown went walkabout out woop woop and got eaten by a wombat! WRONG!! He filled the billy with water and waited impatiently for it to boil.. Early in 2017, the Australian pie company Four'N Twenty expressed its concern that Australians hadn't been "slinging slang . Woop Woop: middle of nowhere, a long way from a main town BODACIOUS. Gone up whoop whoop a long way away Someone who is a bit wacky. Veggies is a sweet way of saying vegetables in Australian slang. Didnt see no mention of any Rangas (red heads) in this list. This is because for some weird reason Australians like to shorten every word and then add a vowel to the end of it e.g. Last week on Facey I saw an article stating that the UFO crash was real.. Sketchy = not quite right or risky Despite the risk of being called a dobber, he dobbed the spy in for sharing Australian secrets to foreign powers.. Are you making a quid at that new job of yours?. 5.0. Below, we've compiled some of the more fun and interesting slang coinages. Pozzy : position. 1980s Society and Culture Slang exists in large part to comment on the dominant culture of its day. Walkabout = travelling Barrack, root for your team a little obscure but certainly usable and used. Monash Carpark Monash Freeway (Especially during peak hour) Fisho/ usually in outback populaces a bloke that does a run of the local publicans establishments with a trailer of seafood on ice. We drove 15 clicks just to see the crowd that had assembled at the mention of UFOs.. It describes what geologists call an Oxbow Lake (look it up). Going Off: really busy OR a person losing their temper and shouting OR food turned sour If an Australian says this to you it means theyre willingyou bet!, Will you come to the dance with me Friday? Reckon!, I heard your rellies are visiting from O.S.. This list has been put together by some of our Australian staff located all around Australia. It means wood/forest. Irrelevant of origin. Have a guess as to what Hooks refers to! It means friend, and can be used not only with friends but acquaintances and strangers as well. Her boy cousins out in the bush called her a sooky = soft, timid. Some of these words may not be as commonly used these days, but you might still hear them being used ironically or by older Australians. A Yank might think theyre all from Oz, but many are from the UK. Here are a list of some common slang words (some found in other English speaking countries) that should help you get by. It's often combined with 'babe' making the phrase ' bodacious babe'. Yo/ Hey/ Oi exclamation to get someones attention, to call attention to, to greet someone. If the person is Nerdy or Geeky we say either, a dag is, well, normally a person who looks like a dag! Chuck a darkie= get angry Flat out like a lizard drinking Preferably amusing? Stuffed = tired, wore out Lets go to the milk bar after school and buy lollies.. As in, "F##k mate, that's the ducks nuts". pushie or pushbike Aussie slang is as diverse as Australia itself - The Conversation Lets just say it only refers to men, and they tend to be wearing speedos! No way, is that the ridgy-didge collector edition? Cuppa tea or coffee. On his way to the harbor the spy realized he was being tailed so he gave them the flick.. Down the gurgler = down the plug hole / lost Context of someone being a wanker or up themselves: Fuck me, that James guy is a flog You can even just say youre having a captain if you feel the need to be extra brief! Iconic 80s slang that is like totally radical to the max, no duh Turps = Alcohol 80s Slang Terms & Phrases Glossary - In the 1980s We sat around the bush telly telling ghost stories.. An earbashing is what you might receive if you encounter a particularly chatty tour guide. 27 Totally Tubular '80s Slang Terms - Mental Floss Heres How To Make It Feel Like Home, Pingback: Teaching when #English is the #Second #Language for the Entire Class #ESL | CCNEPal 2017, Pingback: Learn the Lingo What is the Slang? I actually like making up a lot of sayings myself, which most workmates and friends find funny. Bonza/=Really good, even brilliant. Dead horse -tomato sauce Shark biscuit kids at the beach. But if they laugh or cringe, in some way acknowledging the reference, you've identified a bona fide '90s kid. And stubby holder it bloody keeps my hands warm in winter from a cold can and keeps my can cool in summer so my hands dont warm up the beer. 80s Slang Terms Words. Sick = same as gnarly Some are just Barry McKenzie joke slang, but not in real use. Tuck Shop/= Corner Shop selling Tucker/Food, usually groceries but including pies, pasties, Lead Sinkers(dried fruit slices) and sundry other cakes,lollies,and cold/soft drinks. Flat White Coffee with milk, but no froth (Not sure if slang but certainly seems to be an Aussie invention!) Starkers To be naked; wearing your birthday suit ! 3. Far, far easier to memorise when you know the meaning. ya mad bastard, performs unbelievable tasks wearing thongs, drinkin piss, sayin shell be right ,kenoath, short for F*%king oath (exaggeration) catch the game last night kenoath i did Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Examples Knowledge Grammar; Abbreviations; Reference; More About Us; Contact Us; Random Entry; Suggestion Box; Editorial Policy . I begin by saying that I live in NSW and have never ordered a potato cake but always order scollops,.. which turns out to be an archaic word, which differentiates it from the sea dwelling scallop.Adding potato at the front seems to be an excessive use of words and contrary to the Aussie vernacular. Pig's arse! Another one is port meaning suitcase or school bag used in QLD and northern NSW shortened from the French word portmanteau which also the word porter comes from. Sweden's Herrey's and their utterly ridiculous Diggi-Loo Diggi-Ley may be the more memorable, but Corinne Herms . A Lappy could be a laptop computer, but the more common meaning would be Lap dance from a stripper. Would you pick up a packet of biccies from the milk bar on your way home please?. Derro/=A derelict remnant of a former man, usually in reference to a homeless drunkard or petrol/glue sniffer This harmonious slang term refers to sweatpants. Some of these phrases are still part of the vernacular. She was gobsmacked to discover that the strange noise downstairs was an alien fossicking through her fridge!. 80s Popular Lingo - In the 1980s If you are visiting Australia for the first time, you will be surprised with how fast Aussies talk and the number of slang words they use in daily conversations. Bag your face. When I first came to Australia. I grew up on Aussie lingo. Like many other ling in the 80s, it originated in surfer slang. Did you see that joey in his mamas pouch?. ? South Africans would understand a lot of these, our own slang / colloquialisms are similar. (19) $3.00. 1. Cricky dick = a rude way of saying cricky or if you are extermly shocked, Dag- nerdy or geeky person Ya gotta be (f**king) kiddin me! Flat out like a lizard drinkin, busy The slang word refers to a loud-mouth, it has nothing to do with being stupid. Aussie slang varies from state to state, so not every one will agree on some definitions. True blue, fair dinkum, ridgy-didge; the Australian vocabulary is chockas with random terms and phrases that essentially mean very little. Bloke strewth!! Crack the shits= see above. Doof doof music a derogatory term for house/hip hop music is another one theyve never heard before. Had the Snip/= No jellybeans in the jellybean bag/Vasectomy. ! I enjoyed this article. A cactus is just a cactus over here, a prickly succulent. A few cans short of a six pack (beer). While we wont list this as one of the top 10 things to do in Australia, if youre way out in the bush and trying to have a relaxing evening you may end up doing just thisaka drinking alone. Gnarly is an interesting piece of '80s slang that came from surf culture but has been used differently over time. 80s Slang for Cool - 25+ Gnarly Choices - Omigods If youre really stuck but want to seem as though youre beginning to learn some of the local Australia language the lingo if you will, always say hello by saying Gday and always add mate to the end of every sentence. See Australian colloquialisms. You might be gobsmacked (aka astonished) at the size of the spiders in Australia! Im totally stuffed mate. Hed come down with the flu and ran to the bathroom to chunder.. If your trip to Australia is a bit hectic and you only have a few days to pack everything in, you might use this expression to say youre busy. Is you serious? Dunno I dont know David Astle highlights variations like spunk rat and spunk machine. I collect positive words and I didnt have that one in my collection. CBD Central Business District or main part of city (Not sure if this is slang, but whenever I say CBD outside Aus nobody knows what Im talking about) glad wrap cling wrap You cant be serious! Example: "I'm so amped for the show this weekend." Awesome. franger Leper in a sleeping bag chiko roll

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