Small hole (electron) doping of the superlattice leads to a two-dimensional single-band situation with holes (electrons) residing on the Ni d(x2-y2) (Ti d(xy)) orbital and coupled to antiferromagnetically correlated spins in the NiO2 layer. Similarly, there is no accord among statisticians on Optimization of a hybrid exchange-correlation functional for silicon carbides, Oda, Takuji; Zhang, Yanwen; Weber, William J. Blinded versus unblinded estimation of a correlation coefficient to inform interim design adaptations, Stallard, Nigel; Parsons, Nicholas; Todd, Susan; Friede, Tim, Regulatory authorities require that the sample size of a confirmatory trial is calculated prior to the start of the trial. Experimental research is designed to assess cause and effect. The main objective of development of the hardware architecture of the FFT 2D focuses on the subsequent completion of the following operations applied to images: frequency filtering, convolution and correlation. Study findings also provided evidence that adolescent males are moving from lone rape to gang rape in intimate partner relationships. However, to date little is known concerning the contribution of the number and severity of recent stressful life events on the prevalence of depressive symptoms among university students. A general description of a class of schemes for pattern vision is outlined in which the visual system is assumed to form a discrete internal representation of the stimulus. In this work, we present a new approach for the design of composite filters based on multi-objective combinatorial optimization. The objective of this study was to describe their level of knowledge, beliefs and implementation of EBP. Towards a formal definition of static and dynamic electronic correlations. Multidetector-row computed tomography enterographic assessment of the ileal-anal pouch: Performance of Language-Coordinated Collective Systems: A Study of Wine Recognition and, Infrared radiometer for the Pioneer Venus orbiter. The inflammatory markers show a definitive trend, with an elevation until day 14 and a decline after that, indicating an active inflammatory process until day 14 that could be correlated to tissue trauma. Our participants also had the highest average overall for all combined anatomy examinations. The design is based on a hybrid approach where the final analysis of the phase III data is based on a classical frequentist hypothesis test, whereas the trials are designed using a Bayesian decision-theoretic approach in which the unknown treatment effect is assumed to follow a known prior distribution. Topics discussed include: a mathematical description of statistical correlation, a user's guide for generating a statistical correlation report, a programmer's guide describing the organization and functions of individual programs leading to a statistical correlation report, and a set of examples including complete listings of programs, and input and output data. It is a study that observes the possible relationship between naturally. Longitudinal study of rural health workforce in five counties in China: research design and baseline description, Background The village doctors have served rural residents for many decades in China, and their role in rural health system has been highly praised in the world; unfortunately, less attention has been paid to the health workforce during the ambitious healthcare reform in recent years. A descriptive study is one in which information is collected without changing the environment (i.e., nothing is manipulated). 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Self-contained breathing apparatus; description. All MRE studies performed between October 1, 2007, and September 30, 2013, for patients who had previously undergone IPAA (n = 54) were retrieved. Most articles reported human research and were in the musculoskeletal, neurologic, and cardiothoracic areas. Design is merely lumped in with other forms of problem solving activity. A descriptive correlational study of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy and its association with preterm birth: implications for advanced practice nurses. In this descriptive analysis,. The WorDeL language has been designed to help in the definition of compute-intensive, batch tasks which can be distributed and executed on high-performance, cloud or grid-based architectures in order to improve the processing time. history in quantum chemistry (practical implementations have appeared in the literature since the 1970s). To expand on prior (often contradictory) research implicating maternal infection as a cause of preterm birth, specifically exploring whether bacterial vaginosis (BV) in pregnancy caused preterm birth in a sample of 103 women in a rural Mississippi obstetric-gynecologic clinic. Method: Written patient, Aragon workers' health study - design and cohort description, USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database. Aragon workers' health study--design and cohort description. Numerous methods for generating TAMs have been developed in the literature. The use of process-oriented analysis is of-value to provide analysts with: (i) a systematic description of activities; (ii) the elicitation of the useful data to perform and record care tasks; (iii) the selection of relevant decision-making support. Data were collected from medical records and analyzed descriptively. This. To estimate the prevalence of adversity (neglect and abuse, parental loss, parental psychopathology, economic adversity, and serious physical illness), the interrelatedness of adversities, and their socio-demographic correlates. 1-3 - General description of system of accounts and reports. This separation of scales stands at the heart of the nuclear shell model and effective field theories that describe the long-range structure of the nucleus using a mean-field approximation. The strongest correlations between panic symptoms and safety behaviors were found between symptoms of derealization and listening to music with headphones, paresthesia and pushing a cart while shopping, and nausea and squatting down. In-space demonstration of CFM using LN2 with a few well defined areas of focus would provide the confidence level required to implement subcritical cryogen use and is the first step towards the more far reaching issue of cryogen transfer and tankage resupply. This research was conducted as a survey using a descriptive method in order to ascertain the views of school managers and teachers about the correlation between school managers' communication skills and school culture in, The AP Descriptive Chemistry Question: Student Errors, For over a decade, the authors have been involved in a design theory experiment providing software for high school students preparing for the descriptive question on the Advanced Placement (AP) chemistry examination. An internet-based survey. Design processes focusing in the domain of description are likely to yield programs like burearcracies: rigid, obtuse, impersonal, and unable to adapt to changing circumstances. The recent implementation of this Surgical Clinical Correlates in Anatomy program fulfills this need. Lett. Correlating Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance Among Jordanian Hospitals' Registered Nurses. I - Instrument, Management Approaches to Stomal and Peristomal Complications: A Narrative, Invited Paper - Density functional theory: coverage of dynamic and non-dynamic electron, Patients' perception of noise in the operating room--a, NASA Langley Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Instrument, DNA-based nanobiostructured devices: The role of quasiperiodicity and, Effects of a Training Package to Improve the Accuracy of. A volunteer group of medical directors confirmed the resulting role description. It was found that the sharpness of the correlation peak was slightly reduced but the filter design was more computationally efficient than the complex filter. Highlights of Andrew IRD Include: (1) Use of a Reservoir Uncertainty Statement (RUS) developed at sanction time to focus the descriptive effort of both asset, support and contract petrotechnical staff, (2) High resolution biostratigraphic correlation to support confident zonation of the reservoir, (3) Detailed sedimentological analysis of the core including the use of dipmeter to interpret channel/sheet architecture to provide new insights into reservoir heterogeneity; (4) Integrated petrographical and petrophysical investigation of the controls on Sw-Height and relative permeability of water; (5) Fluids description using oil geochemistry and Residual Salt Analysis Sr isotope studies. Such correlations can be used for preliminary designs and analytical studies. Effects of a Training Package to Improve the Accuracy of Descriptive Analysis Data Recording. Design/methodology/approach: A descriptive survey design was used. Expanded, Users manual and modeling improvements for axial turbine design and performance computer code TD2-2. This results in a clear need to bring these different aspects together under the common hood of a general design space of visualization tasks, which we propose in this paper. Additionally, effect size estimates were calculated using nonoverlap of all pairs method and Tau-U. Correlations between the parameters of three- and two-nucleon scattering are proposed and explained; these correlations allow the systematization of numerical calculations of a/sub 3//sub ///sub 2/ and r/sub 3//sub ///sub 2/ for different forms of interaction potentials.more The influence of the energy dependence of the interaction on a/sub 3//sub ///sub 2/ is also considered.less, Word retrieval in picture descriptions produced by individuals with Alzheimer's disease, What can tests of single-word production tell us about word retrieval in connected speech? The study was be based on descriptive research survey using questionnaires and interviews as main tools to gather both primary and secondary data to establish the correlation between sound financial record. Bailey, William J.; Weiner, Stephen P.; Beekman, Douglas H. Subcritical cryogenic fluid management (CFM) has long been recognized as an enabling technology for future space missions. They are all less than the Airy spot diameter 48.8m. Composite materials, while more expensive to purchase and manufacture, result in decreased costs later through weight savings and ease of replacement. The technical requirements documented in the PDD are to be captured in the System Description Documents (SDDs) which address each of the systems at Level 5 of the CRWMS architecture. In this study we experimentally investigate the impact of two types of language-based coordination on the recognition and description of complex sensory stimuli: that of red wine. Harper, David B.; Cook, Anthony; Hostetler, Chris; Hair, John W.; Mack, Terry L. NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) recently developed the LaRC Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) to make measurements of aerosol and cloud distribution and optical properties. Rapid descriptive methods (RDM) have increased significantly. While perceived lack of information received was associated with not feeling in control (rs =.41) and helplessness (rs =.41). It has been suggested that reading and English aptitudes are related to formal writing ability, yet neither the reading nor the English aptitudes of undergraduate nursing students have been described in the literature, and the relationships that reading and English aptitude have with formal writing ability have not been explored. The feasibility and practicability of the evaluation method are verified by introducing examples. Possible reasons for the preference of the tested personalized lenses are the optimization with respect to individual wearing conditions and the personalization. The website offers free STI testing via home self-sampling kits. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 140 Vietnamese female immigrants from November 2012 to October 2013. The average (SD) age, body mass index, and waist circumference were 49.3 (8.7) years, 27.7 (3.6) kg/m and 97.2 (9.9) cm, respectively, among males (N=5,048), and 40.8 (11.6) years, 24.4 (3.8) kg/m, and 81.9 (9.9) cm, among females (N=351). The research presented involved using nonlinear finite element simulations correlated with photogrammetry testing to develop a procedure for defining material properties for commercially available polyurethane-coated woven nylon fabric, which is representative of coated materials that have been proven materials for use in many inflatable systems. The square-well model that we investigate mimics key aspects of the experimental behavior of suspended colloids with short-range, polymer-mediated attractions. A detailed description of a video system for controlling space shuttle payloads and experiments is presented in the preliminary design review and critical design review, first and second engineering design reports respectively, and in the final report submitted jointly with the design package. In addition, subsystem and component descriptions and performance analyses are treated in individual sections. Data were collected using four questionnaires; one was the Beliefs about Medication questionnaire (BMQ) and the rest were developed to collect data about demographic and clinical characteristics and lifestyle modification factors. We also found sex and income to predict the use of the facilities though income was less significant after adjusting for sex in a multivariate analysis. It is shown that the equation of motion of the Wigner function corresponds to a fermionic analog of Liouville's equation. Correlations between scores on tasks of single-word retrieval and measures of retrieval in picture descriptions emerged in the AD group but not in the control group. Both MRI scores were correlated with the pouch endoscopic and histopathologic findings. We extracted linguistic and phonetic metrics which previous literature correlated to early-stage AD. Discussion and Conclusion : as demonstrated in other studies, our results show that knowledge about EBP is not that widespread and its implementation remains a challenge even in university hospitals. Laxative use and clinical correlates in hospitalized patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a retrospective descriptive study. derived by regression analysis of measured and modeled grain-size data, or by determining the abscissa values of intersections between auxiliary lines running parallel to the x-axis and vertical lines corresponding to the descriptive percentile limits along the ordinate of representative bivariate plots. Another great advantage of the method is that it is suitable if time or resources are limited. of Education. The results indicated that both reading and English aptitude were related to students' formal writing ability. Overall 68 RCTs were identified. Patients from July to November 2015 were selected by consecutive sampling. The majority reported tension before pulling and gratification/relief immediately after pulling. Published studies of internet-based screening for rectal STIs in women are needed. The component design description includes details on the following elements: register conventions, module (subroutines) invocaton, module functions, interrupt servicing, data definitions, and database structure. Hernndez-Domnguez, Laura; Ratt, Sylvie; Sierra-Martnez, Gerardo; Roche-Bergua, Andrs. These results can be used to encourage continued use of midwifery care and for low client to midwife caseloads during childbirth, and to modify hospital settings to include more in-hospital birth centers. The major emphasis of this paper is a description of the procedures necessary for creation of the TAM and the correlation of the reduced models with the FEM or the test results. Of the 49 articles that used inferential statistics, the tests were named in 47(96%). The course was designed using a sample curriculum as. PARTICIPANTS Medical directors, DOCs, and administrators in LTC facilities; a national advisory group of medical directors from the Long Term Care Medical Directors Association of Canada; and a volunteer group of medical directors. We extend our prior discussion of symmetric cumulants and compute as yet unmeasured symmetric cumulants. In this paper, to further the behavioral validation and characterization of the four proposed temperament dimensions, we measured correlations with five variables: (1) gender; (2) level of education; (3) religious preference; (4) political orientation; (5) the degree to which an individual regards sex as essential to a successful relationship. Dependence of relativistic effects on Coulomb correlations, applicability of the second order perturbation theory for the description of MAE, and effective screening of the SO interaction in these systems are discussed using a generalized virial theorem. As prescribed in 14.201-6(p)(1), insert the following provision: Descriptive Literature (APR 2002) (a) Descriptive literature, as used in this provision, means information 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 2 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Descriptive Literature. Descriptive approaches to landscape analysis. 84-Contained Breathing Apparatus 84.70 Self-contained breathing apparatus; description. The main goals are (1) to study how the subjects' perception of a personalized design depends on its position in the design space and (2) to compare the performance of personalized PALs to a conventional PAL with a fixed design. Descriptive and logistic regression analyses were performed considering the multistage and weighted sample design. Narrative comments reflected the quantitative rankings of efficacy of approaches. The fluorescence area and the reduction in intensity on applying treatment were found to be strongly and significantly correlated with the extent of clinical response. No correlation existed between ranking amongst the highest 25 sites and either of these measures. The majority of articles were classified as level II of evidence (60%), followed by level III (29%) and level I (10%). A distinction is made between journals that are entirely tangible and those that contain, Bergman, Lawrence David (Inventor); Mohan, Rakesh (Inventor); Li, Chung-Sheng (Inventor); Smith, John Richard (Inventor); Kim, Michelle Yoonk Yung (Inventor). The Langley turbo-prop commuter design: A complete project description, Buttram, Greg; Horton, Keith; Keeter, Tim; Millhouse, Paul; Newberry, Kelli; Obyrne, Brian. There were no statistically significant differences among ethnicity groups regarding the entire CDI or the subscales of it. A descriptive-survey design was used. A pilot study: a descriptive correlational study of factors associated with weight in college nursing students. Design package includes drawings, description of automatic control logic, evaluation measurements, possible design variations, list of materials and installation tools, and trouble-shooting guide and manual. The FTE synchronizes processors within the VMC and synchronizes redundant VMCs to each other. Descriptive research attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, phenomenon, service or programme, or provides information about , say, living condition of a community, or describes attitudes towards an issue. PMID:25111420, Employing a Qualitative Description Approach in Health Care Research, A qualitative description design is particularly relevant where information is required directly from those experiencing the phenomenon under investigation and where time and resources are limited. Local climatological conditions that are significant with respect to the impact of facility operations on the environment are described using on-site ormore near-site meteorological data. Flexible Description Language for HPC based Processing of Remote Sense Data, Nandra, Constantin; Gorgan, Dorian; Bacu, Victor, When talking about Big Data, the most challenging aspect lays in processing them in order to gain new insight, find new patterns and gain knowledge from them. Overall, ES estimates ranged from weak to strong, but on average, the reviewed interventions produced a moderate to strong effect, and quality ratings were generally in the acceptable to high range. The digital section mainly uses an IRAM-designed low-power, low-cost ASIC. A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables. Like newspapers, good descriptive reporting answers the five basic W questions: who, what, why, when, where. Adult living-donor liver transplantation recipients undergo important hemodynamic changes during the procedure, which in turn have proven to be of the upmost importance when dealing with small grafts, to avoid the so-called "small-for-size" syndrome. Forty-seven of the oral specimens with pH measures between 4 and 6 (52%) were pepsin-positive. An MRI score 4 indicated the best results, with sensitivity of 86%, specificity of 79%, positive predictive value of 80%, negative predictive value of 85%, and accuracy of 82% for pouch inflammation. This enables bus faults to be detected and reconfigured through a voted bus control configuration. Setting: Biomechanics research laboratory. Shuttle EVA description and design criteria. The average score on the Hamilton scale was 13.82 (9.000), with men exhibiting less stress than women. Inability to communicate needs was associated with helplessness (rs = .43). Ogunfowokan, Adesola A; Olagunju, Oluwayemisi E; Olajubu, Aanuoluwapo O; Faremi, Funmilola A; Oloyede, Ajoke S; Sharps, Phyllis W. This study examined male adolescents' self-report of rape of adolescent girls and the socio-demographic variables that correlated with self-report of rape. Variables consistently associated with TV/video viewing were ethnicity (non-white +), parent income (-), parent education (-), body weight (+), between meal snacking (+), number of parents in the house (-), parents TV viewing habits (+), weekend (+) and having a TV in the bedroom (+). See full answer below. New Bounds on the Total-Squared-Correlation of Quaternary Signature Sets and Optimal Designs, 2004. The description is presented on the basis of 24 individual device and facility systems. Quantitative structure-property relationship (correlation analysis) of phosphonic acid-based chelates in design of MRI contrast agent. Schulz, Hans-Jrg; Nocke, Thomas; Heitzler, Magnus; Schumann, Heidrun. THIS IS THE FIRST OF A SERIES DESIGNED TO PROVIDE AID TO STATES IN ORGANIZING AND OPERATING PROGRAMS UNDER TITLE VIII OF THE NATIONAL DEFENSE EDUCATION ACT, PUBLIC LAW 85-864. For proof of concept, we apply the proposed clustering coefficient measures to functional magnetic resonance imaging data obtained from healthy participants of various ages and compare them with conventional clustering coefficients. The PSL/PSA system accessed the problem data base directly to enhance the code efficiency by, e.g., eliminating non-used subroutines, and provided for automated report generation, besides allowing for functional and interface descriptions. We show how the new test corresponds to familiar tests in simple situations for independent, exchangeable, paired, and clustered data. The projected scene will include target(s) and background. Convenience sampling was used with 60 teams with 173 nursing students in the final semester of a three-year Bachelor of Science in nursing programme. Description of Teacher Inservice Education Materials. Both effectiveness of recognition and the kinds of errors in the four conditions were analyzed. At first, the continuous wavelet transforms as the uterine contraction signals were received and afterwards, a running cross-correlation analysis was conducted for each pair of transformed time series. Analysis of descriptions generated with the aid of sommelier cards shows that pairs were more coherent and discriminative than individuals. Just because you have a correlational research design does not mean that you are limited to using a correlation analysis for your study. Caregiver burden and correlates among caregivers of children and adolescents with psychiatric morbidity: a descriptive cross sectional study. The approach also permits the quantification of the loss of efficiency caused by mis-specifying the correlation parameter in the mixed-effects model. Purpose The aim of this study was to assist organizations seeking to develop or improve their medical disaster relief effort by identifying fundamental elements and processes that permeate high-quality, international, medical disaster relief organizations and the teams they deploy. We calculated effective horse power and resistance by using Neuro-Fuzzy system. All 4 children had small, The association between stressful life events and depressive symptoms among Cypriot university students: a cross-sectional descriptive correlational study, Background Previous findings suggest that stressful life events have a causal relationship with depressive symptoms. These four temperament suites have been designated: (1) Curious/Energetic, (2) Cautious/Social Norm Compliant, (3) Analytical/Tough-minded, and (4) Prosocial/Empathetic temperament dimensions. Instrumentation description is also given including optics, detectors, and electronics. Correlates of Self-Report of Rape Among Male School Adolescents in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. If private markets are to work better to reduce cost, stronger efforts are needed to reduce provider market concentration and promote competitive pricing for healthcare services. This allows a model-independent description of these parameters and of the quartet phase shift of nd scattering in the effective-range approximation. The ability to predict solar particle fluences was also discussed. Genotype-phenotype correlations in THAP1 dystonia: molecular foundations and description of new cases, LeDoux, Mark S.; Xiao, Jianfeng; Rudziska, Monika; Bastian, Robert W.; Wszolek, Zbigniew K.; Van Gerpen, Jay A.; Puschmann, Andreas; Momilovi, Dragana; Vemula, Satya R.; Zhao, Yu, An extensive variety of THAP1 sequence variants have been associated with focal, segmental and generalized dystonia with age of onset ranging from 3 to over 60 years. Here we study the temporal correlations between layers exhibited by real social multiplex networks. As a component of the BigEarth platform, WorDeL (Workflow Description Language) [3] is intended to offer a flexible, compact and modular approach to the task definition process. Most of the research published in Brazilian physical therapy journals used levels II and III of evidence. Written patient information materials can be valuable communication tools for teaching and reinforcing the verbal message, especially in the present climate of today's health service where patients are in hospital for such short times. The subsystem may be used for computer-assisted lesson construction and has presentation capability for on-the-job training for data automation, staff, and. To make JTC recognize thermo targets, an infrared telephoto lens is designed in this paper. Although some specialists recommend screening or treating all pregnant patients for BV, the current practice of not screening or treating all pregnant patients seems warranted until definitive findings establish a conclusive correlation between BV and preterm birth. [2007] was modified to address this possibility. Methods A cross-sectional descriptive study design was employed using qualitative methods. These include (1) entrance and patient waiting, (2) traffic management, (3) subwaiting or internal waiting areas, (4) triage, (5) examination/treatment area configuration, (6) examination/treatment area centralization versus decentralization, (7) examination/treatment room standardization, (8) adequate space, (9) nurse work space, (10) physician work space, (11) adjacencies and access, (12) equipment room, (13) psych room, (14) staff de-stressing room, (15) hallway width, and (16) results waiting area. It is worth to examine the job satisfaction of nurses and its correlates in such a specific hospital context in Hong Kong, by which the findings can be compared with those in public hospitals, and across countries. Each of the MSIs was placed in the intraradicular area between the second premolar and first molar in the attached gingiva, 4 mm from the cementoenamel junction. Hsiao, Chiu-Yueh; Chien, Maio-Ju; Wu, Hua-Shan; Chiao, Chia-Yi. The Author(s) 2014. This was a descriptive correlational study set in Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio of 192 eligible patients transferred from the ED to an intermediate unit from January 1, 2015 to January 31, 2015. Capturing all effects originating from electron correlation in such strongly correlated systems is a challenge for electronic structure methods. A climatological description of the Savannah River Site, This report provides a general climatological description of the Savannah River Site. A derivation sample (N=7565; 54% women) and a replication sample (N=8924; 55.5% women) of undergraduate students completed the Campus Alcohol Survey in classroom settings. We cross-tabulated the clinical areas with research designs (expressed as number and percentages). Our analysis eliminates a spurious constant term in the non-fractional memory function found in the non-fractional description. The design of real-valued minimum average correlation energy (RMACE) filter was investigated.
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