how to hold a narcissist accountable

( but remember your children are learning this unhealthy behavior) Our finances are seperated and always have been but he has been borrowing money from me several times and is paying it back in monthly payments. One has treatable BIpolar the other ver narcissistic personality traits. Hi Hannah, Yes you are right it will not heal itself. He tries to manipulate me and I dont let him. I told you I would lend you half of the repo and you had to pay half, which I did. It used to be about 70%, and in the remaining 30% he would seem normal and nice. Now that I have a voice and he suffers consequences.he is can be harder to deal with. He is a disbarred attorney who signed an amicable divorce decree but of course, has refused to pay a penny and has left us in a mess. How can I ever trust that this isnt the beginning of another end? What I have learned is that I can not control or make another person accountable for their action. Actions speak louder than words (-: However, I found that by justing leaving the situation, he was finally able to see it on his own, after life gave him hard knocks which took him off his pedestal and he realized ON HIS OWN when the same thing was done to him by another, how wrong his behavior was. As you can imagine finances have been a total mess and Im trying to save bits at a time for your book. With his having to have things a certain way, hes cost the company money and possibly earned a reputationthat or the boss really does like him and is giving him more responsibilitywho knows, I just know the fall out of it all! Would the more dominate one win out or would they x each other out? Maintain Boundaries. nothing worked. You laid the facts straight out down the line without a hint of self-pity or confusion about your rights as an individual, or as a mother. It was only in the last two years that, through counseling, I realized she was a narcissist. I shouldnt say that, my therapy has made me much stronger and shown me a clearer picture of my marriage. I say, A job is important, it will make you feel worthy; and it will also make me happy. I almost feel I dont even need to write my own post as pieces could be taken from almost everyones posts to write my story. We have 2 children together and this time has been very difficult. If I dont look at him in his eyes he says it is rude. Again be matter of fact and say that you are concerned that they understand how serious this is and deal responsibly with how dangerous his behaviour has become. They have to be sane! I felt sorry for her. Both of them were totally neglected and punished severly when they were young and left for the oldest sister to raise them. It is so difficult not to become bitter. It was pure agony yet the best thing that has happened in many ways. He can have what he calls a bad day or two a week where I suddenly become his punching bag and then when I say hey, dont talk to me like that, he tells me how I brought it on and how I dont have any clue what he goes through at work etcyet he says he loves his job and wants to give his best!?!? One new study showed that narcissists can significantly damage workplace team performance. He feels no guult and does dent his bisexual lifesyle. Thank you again for your courageous letter. Dear Kim, I have the book and the workbook and have been working on it. He cant sustain connection for any consistent amount of time. It is the hardest thing in the world to accept that the person we love is just not capable of loving. Holding accountable? This man I love cant own up to his own behavior that breaks the trust. I was!!! What Renee wrote could have been written by me. There are men out there who also face these issues and not all of them are strait. Hes so consumed in his own feelings he actually believes that I hurt him and he is suffering more than I could know, which gives him license to be mean(er). You may find help there. I dont want my children to marry a person like him. Are you safe? Rejection. But with your advice in my mind, I already managed to stop discussions without threatening to leave him. Cause and effect. Others think he is wonderful. I am always at fault. Im still trying to re-do the past with him and I still try to point things out that he said and did and I still try to explain my behaviors to his abusive remarks and all to no avail. I never said that! Everything is always my fault, and he never takes responsibility for hurtful actions. Hi Butterfly and welcome (-: I understand your feelings entirely but here on this blog we do try and leave the decision to stay or go up to peoples own hearts if only because it is one of the very few places people who dont want to separate can come to get help. But women are usually the worst for believing every word he says. They Hold Grudges & Harbor Resentment. She calls him for everything, and hes always going to her house and hanging out with her. I need to do that. How do I step into a partnership knowing that I realistically do not have a partner? Instead, refocus on yourself and on rebuilding a better life (not for the narcissist, but for you). Even though our finances (checking accounts and credit cards) as seperate we do live together and as it has been, I end up paying for most of the groceries, entertainment and the maintenance of our home (which I bought in my name only cuz his credit is messed up. This is why they move on so easily. My hope and prayer is that this will help others as much as it helped me. You have an amazing insight and Gods wisdom! Hi Elaine and welcome (-: Stepping out of the way of the consequences you describe would mean having him charged and put in jail for his assaults on you. Man, I dont know how anyone believes they can make a mistake and refuses to own it like my friend thinks. My partner realized the change. A thought becomes action. I feel I am saving my life. Its not a break up. These consist of circular conversations, arguments, projection, and gaslighting to disorient you and get you off track. . But recently it has about chewed me up and spit me out. The key element here is that I always know when he has started to break that trust, because out of the blue with no reason at all, my NPD starts treating me very poorly, acts evasive etc. However this individual, who was in my life for 2 1/2 years on and off NEVER said sorry. He puts on quite a show at times. I see that codependency is an issue that I am working with. If they find someone else who thrives on this, they'll fall in love quickly. My quandry now is the see saw that I am on with him, believe it or not he actually has admitted to me that he knows hes difficult to live with but then he goes back to being Dr. Jekyl this is causing such an absolute drainage on me sometimes I truly want to give-up. I have a husband with Borderline Personailty Disorder & he is very narcissist. He has money in his name too so its fair. Keeping rapport at the same time as setting boundaries is tough but a balancing act that helps a person become a better leader for sure! Trying to be honest? I wish you both good luck . My advice if you are in a relationship with a nar, get out and dont let them manipulate you back in. We have been online helping couplesfor over 8 years and hope we can help. He left me after several years of a push/pull, secretly planning to end it for a long time, but misleading me. Hang in there Amy and you be careful to follow the steps in Back from the Looking Glass about leaving because it really can escalate the abuse. 3) You wanted to clean up your credit and had a car repo on it. When I get criticism,shouting verbal abuse , for no apparent reason , I know its not me ,just him not able to process If you want to forge a new path you must vow not to get stuck in those endless hours anymore. That way I dont react if he adversely reacts. I was shocked. Ok, comeback lines for the provocation mentioned before, Kim ideas are welcome: He (saying that doing a favour for one of his attractive female colleagues saved his day, sighing): X, what you are saying hurts me and it reminds of your affair and I instantly feel afraid that you will do this again. Why do i hurt for him so much when i know it will not change and he has moved on. Im tired of trying to fix this marriage. That has caused me to understand that God loves my friend too. I was married 19 years and had 4 sons. When you have someone who repeatedly lies to you, who frequently doesn't care about your feelings or how their actions hurt you, who cheats on youthis is where we have to come in and make them accountable because they're not going to do it on their own. However if they perceive that they do not need you to feel secure and happy you had better find a way to get out quickly because they have no incentive to check their behaviour. The worse thing is seeing how he uses older women who are lonely and they need the attention they have no idea why he is in there life but its for something he wants done and they can help him accomplish his wants. Who does something like that to their kids? I will never understand it. ), unless some woman forces him to that isbut think I need to for myself. I texted him saying I wanted to thank him for the wonderful time I had but being rushed out of the house was not acceptable. Can we now part?! Here's why a narcissist may cry when someone dies: Attention - to shift the spotlight of the whole event onto them and claim as much of the focus as possible. Surprise! Someone experiencing narcissistic rage may feel that someone else or an event in their life is threatening or may injure their self-esteem or self-worth. Or just the other day, he said he got a call from Monica, a cheque bounced. They complimented you, insisted on your compatibility, and made you feel special. but to ensure that I too learn from this experience and can move on to a healthier way of life either with or without him. When I started realizing it all , I was panicking , feeling trapped each passing moment . Its hard to know the right steps to heal oneself and have taken many wrong turns in this regard. He is no longer abusive towards me and he is learning to control his emotions. I see Absolutely zero accountability for his very mean abusive behavior from him and no desire to do so either. I have had to do a lot of work on myself to stay balanced in this relationship and understand its worth. This can be extremely frustrating and took me a long time to learn how to deal with and I want to share what I have learned about dealing with this today. My question was about not knowing how to hold him accountable when the things he does are small and not police-worthy: blowing up at me over perceived slights, put-downs, emotional distance, not following through on his word, his concerns taking priority, lack of caring and empathy. I will continue to work with the information provided by Kim and Steve in hopes that I might heal and not attract another person with NPD in the future. You need to get Back from the Looking Glass, 10 Steps to Overcome Codependence and The Love Safety Net Workbook ASAP. (4) he lied to me every day, hides stuff and he verbally attacks me telling me what a liar, I am, how I lie lie lie lieWhen he is the only liar. But God, do I miss the good. I have not heard anyone talk about sex on this website. No matter how soul destroying this type of relationship can be, your experience of this disorder being incurable is not ours and the DSM has also recently been updated to change their position on this. Having spent New Year in a pub on my own I slowly discovered that I need to find out who the hell I am and not accept men to approve what I do I became very insecure with a lot of things that were to follow The silencing that he gave me was unbearable and I slowly realized that I am not to bear my feelings and accept being played to fit his fantasies Months went by and a year into our relationship I started to feel that I was feeling more depressed and felt very insecure about a lot of things that I started to think about suicide as an escape from my reality. I got out. But looking back, I guess Ive loved a few of them and I am just now seeing it. he of course was perfect and still is. He had created chaos there as well and when it all finally came crashing down on him I was ready to take him in and protect him. lets talk about his controlling ability. Perspective is all important and since a couple usually ends up living in the way the dominant partner prefers the other person can seem passive/ aggressive simply if they dont throw themselves into that lifestyle with the degree of enthusiasm the dominant person would like to see.

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