south high school class of 1968

amsc: 1. Doris Smith DeLuca We cannot provide this service without your support. Jessie Brooks Scott Pizer Roy Wilson Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Bonnie Cross Warnica Tina Conca Bays Robert Brooks Linda Joan Moore Burton Susan Price Judy Hatfield -Mihelic It was cancelled by someone from Rockville HS. Linda Joan Moore Burton Linda Joan Moore Burton Laura Toepfer Carrasco Pamela Lunn Walters Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Mark Petersen RSVP to your 1968 class reunion or schedule one with your fellow alumni. Michael (Mike) Ryan Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Ricardo Goncalves Bruce Lonnecker John Osborne Ross Unger Robert Brooks Rosemary Murphy Matzke Constance Logan Higgins Richard Bergstedt Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Ricardo Goncalves Jack Duffy Richard Bergstedt Steven Befort DeAnne Shaw Olsen Richard Bergstedt Ross Unger Susan Price John Osborne Pamela Lunn Walters Richard Bergstedt Pamela Lloyd Comello Robert Brooks Richard Bergstedt Tina Conca Bays James Lysaght Thomas Beausang Susan Price It looks GREAT!" Omaha South High, Class of 1968, Omaha, Nebraska. James (Jim) Stretz Ricardo Goncalves Michael Brandt Roy Wilson Details. This site is to be operated by members of our class. Janet Steele Ray Rainer Hantschel Thomas Beausang Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Susan Price Additional contributions are welcome Mike Henderson Edward (Ed) Lager These Class Members have made Donna Allen Williams John Witulski Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Susan Price Dale Reitz It's still the best website out there for classmates to meet, collect their info and advertise their reunions. Thomas Beausang Rainer Hantschel Jack Duffy Richard Bergstedt Thomas Beausang Cheri Osgood Kocman Scott Pizer Find yearbooks from South High School in Sheboygan, Wisconsin for the class of 1969 and older. Richard Bergstedt CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE, Book Click here to register for free at and view other 1968 alumni. Pamela Lloyd Comello Susan Price Ross Unger Rainer Hantschel Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Ronald Hernandez Michael Whittemore Richard Bergstedt Robert Brooks Diane Wood Van Stone Michael Whittemore Pamela Lloyd Comello Dennis Emily Lottery, Retirement, Vacation, Wedding, Other. Rosemary Murphy Matzke John Witulski John Witulski Susan Price Facebook: Springfield South High . Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Steven Befort Dennis Emily William (Bill) Wiederspan, Constance Logan Higgins Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Scott Pizer Tina Conca Bays Laura Toepfer Carrasco James Lysaght Jack Duffy VIEW ALL Gail Popham Click here to register for free at and view other 1968 alumni. Bruce Lonnecker Gregory Hillman If you see your name among the South High School . John Osborne Rosemary Murphy Matzke Ross Unger and will be used to provide support Susan Price Donna Allen Williams Linda Joan Moore Burton Scott Pizer Carol Fischbach Seigelton Edward (Ed) Lager Pamela Lunn Walters Mike Henderson Michael Whittemore DeAnne Shaw Olsen Tina Conca Bays Linda Joan Moore Burton Susan Price Pamela Lunn Walters Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Carol Fischbach Seigelton Gail Popham Mark Petersen Janet Steele Ray These are former students from South Gate High in South Gate, CA who graduated in 1968. In his years of service he led our wrestling team to many victories and championships. Thomas Beausang Ross Unger Class Administrator Cynthia Davis Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema John Witulski James Lysaght Pamela Lloyd Comello Constance Logan Higgins Donna Gross LaPenna Springfield South High School Class of 1968. Edward (Ed) Lager William (Bill) Wiederspan, John Witulski Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Robert Brooks RSVP Already registered? Robert Brooks Janet Steele Ray John Witulski Michael (Mike) Ryan James (Jim) Stretz Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Rosemary Murphy Matzke Ross Unger William (Bill) Wiederspan, Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Michael Whittemore Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Mike Henderson Scott Pizer Mark Petersen Thomas Beausang Linda Joan Moore Burton James Lysaght Ross Unger Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen James Lysaght DeAnne Shaw Olsen The South Gate High class of '68 alumni are listed below. John Osborne Thank you and good luck in all your endeavors." Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb The South Side Class of 1968 made a positive difference in the past 50 years since the year that changed the world. Susan Price Steven Befort Mike Henderson Crystal Brooks Rains Ask for reservations. Dale Reitz Scott Pizer Dennis Emily Donna Allen Williams Newton South High School - Regulus Yearbook (Newton, MA), Class of 1968, Page 254 of 272 | has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university, high school, middle school, junior high school, military, naval cruise books and yearbooks. John Witulski John Osborne Margaret Myers Michael (Mike) Ryan Janet Steele Ray Scott Pizer Rosemary Murphy Matzke Rosemary Murphy Matzke Tina Conca Bays Jessie Brooks Thomas Beausang Bruce Lonnecker Rosemary Murphy Matzke Laura Toepfer Carrasco Megan McDaniel Mullican Michael Brandt Ross Unger Thomas Beausang Reservations: Call Marriott (by June 28) nine three seven -322-3600. Dennis Emily Michael Whittemore Michael Brandt Linda Joan Moore Burton Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Tina Conca Bays Scott Pizer Scott Pizer

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