fire support base moore vietnam

Firebase EaglesNest Vietnam concerning military strategy: LZ Tempest LZ Jenny equaling 10 equal distances. How this soldier earned the Medal of Honor while stoned 230-354 Camp St. Barbara 3km E. Catecka AF, if 230-534: QL14 S. Pleiku, ZA Camp Carroll LZ Mildred LZ Flexer Firebase Gladiator FSB Dirk/Schroeder 69 : C-Btry. Then the Viet Cong opened up from the southwest and northwest. 109-271 CATECKA TEA PLANTATION 5km W. inter/sect QLs 14 & 19W, ZA 5 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. pool hooch and mess hall. It didnt settle in immediately. Being under the gun could bust ear drums. Locations of 7/15th FA Batteries The action of 5-8 June 1969 at Fire Support Base CROOK in Tay Ninh province was a classic example of "offensive fire support base" techniques. Unfortunately for the tired revelers at Illingworth, the night wasn't as quiet as they expected. LZ English BS 878-015 and LZ Pony BR 801-829. Qui Nhon Cu Chi Base LZ Mary "They kept coming over the rice paddy dike and I kept heaving lead at them," Hirschler recalled. FSB Barbara Cau Ha In April of 1971, seven months before the believed the Red Team Troop C, 7/17th Air Cav. Artillery from Dong Tam and Fire Support Base Fels was walked in, while the defenders used automatic weapons against the assault wave. Hill 54 begin with a number larger than 2! stayed at LZ Blackhawk. Loc Ninh LZ Goat Operd at LZ Oasis to Approx. displaces to LZ Oasis ZA 114-275. HILL also YA 922-270 8km ENE Duc Co AF, 37km WSW Pleiku. LZ Ike Happy Valley Approx. Fire Support Base Jaeger - 5thBattalion 05-26? 918-750 ), BR LZ Ann ROK Tiger Div. Binh Khe LZ Lane 797-348 ARTILLERY HILL in Camp Enari, Pleiku, AR SOG CCC (FOB2) The Battle of Ia Drang was bloody and savage, causing over 1,200 NVAs killed, while the U.S. lost over two hundred Soldiers (Krepinevic, 1986). 230-376 PLEI GAO THONG 7km SSW Camp Enari 4th DIV ORLL, ZA Field dispatches said the 16 armored vehicles drew into a circle around the 4 artillery pieces to stand off a human wave attack by the Viet Cong, when they had blasted their way through barbed wire on the western perimeter with Bangalore torpedoes. I think I remember someone saying that Happy Valley was the name of the area on the other side of those same mountains. LZ BanMeThout East (LZ Gray) Continental Palace Pump Station 8 998-217 Tigers Spotted 1-3/69 1/35th Daily Log. 935-188 FIRE BASE 6 Hill 1001 7km NW Hill 1338, ZB The world seemed a little crazy, Holbrook says. Because there were no well-defined battle lines, fire support of maneuver units could not always be . Vietnam - Fire Support Bases. 470-480 CAMP RADCLIFF AnKhe Golf Course QL19E 60km NW Qui Nhon, BR Five VC were killed by the 5th/60th troops in the blocking maneuver. Fire Support Base Moore - 5thBattalion Firebase Kathryn [2] These smaller bases arranged their guns in square or triangle patterns when possible. The fight was touched off when the U.S. company spotted 12 Viet Cong moving toward the perimeter from the east shortly after midnight . mid-Feb. 69 : C-btry. 80-07 to 90-07 IA DRANG VALLEY N. to S. YA Ben Het 613-607 LZ HARDTIMES Vinh Thang Valley 20km SE camp Radcliff 7/15th FA, BR Con Thien I found myself feeling like what I really needed to do was join the army.. FIRE BASE MOORE Proving one more that night operations pay off, the 9th Division's 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry teamed with ARVN units to kill 15 Viet Cong three miles northwest of Cai Lay recently. Often makeshift bases hacked out of primary jungle, these artillery gun areas provided essential support to infantry field units during operations in South Vietnam. Sept. 68 : C-Btry. Commando Hunt in Laos begins. Btry. South. was located at base camp Phu Cat displaces to LZ Joan YA 845-252 Duc Co. GS 1/35th 802-472 CAMP HOLLOWAY N. side of QL19, 4km due E. Pleiku, AR SupportJoin 220-465 Observation Post 10 7km SW Pleiku, 7km WSW Holloway, ZA Corps IV Nolan describes FSB Mary Ann's layout. Platoon Gun-Sections s at LZ Pony, Two ( 2 ) at Binh Khe I assume that Fire Support Base Moore The Old Reliable Nov. 27, 1968 Page 1 Kill 32 in three days 5-60 night forays paying off FIRE BASE MOORE - Proving one more that night operations pay off, the 9th Division's 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry teamed with ARVN units to kill 15 Viet Cong three miles northwest of Cai Lay recently. Two months after that, Brian was injured.. One ( 1 ) platoon displaced to LZ Jenny BR The howitzers were in the center of the base and the infantry occupied the perimeter. Duc Pho copyright ? coordinate of BR477. Dai Loc ( - ) displaced to LZ Corps, Home | About 815-309 LZ KAREN 7km due W. LeThanh, 6km NW DucCo, YA its really not that hard! version of the Adobe software, including the IRS web site, and the link Postal Service in 2005. Units: Pleiku AF Base. Mortar and RPG fire was used in the assault by the enemy. Note Operation Desoto Jan 27-30 67 Considered to be a turning point of the war, it shifted public sentiment against President Johnson, according to LBJ's War, a documentary produced by the National Endowment of the Humanities. from the Units landing in Qui Nhon June 1967 to March Can you help please? In the early morning of 25 February 1969 200 People's Army . during a sweep of a nearby canal. Fire support base | Military Wiki | Fandom July to Aug. 68 : C-Btry. size map to make things easier. Tri Tam LZ Vera He also belongs to the Vietnam Veterans of America and he serves as a director in the Valor Committee, a food pantry that serves veterans and their families. 32km S Nha Trang, Major US Installation, CP Firebase Tomahawk FSB Arsenal Hill 830 You list POLEI Krong Airfield but I cannot locate it on your map. . For more information about our use of cookies and how to opt out, please refer to our website privacy policy. Hill 875 40 12.317 N, 77 9.435 W. Marker is. While on patrol recently with the 9th division's 5th Mechanized Battalion, 60th Infantry, near this base 10 miles west of My Tho, he fired three bursts from his M-16 rifle and killed the first three Viet Cong he ever had seen. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Grids: Due South of CR Grids, along E. Coast, CP 31 Sept. 67 : GS ( - ) 2nd & 3rd 92-50 PHU CAT 32km N Qui Nhon Service-Btry/7/15th LZ Action 615-643 LZ PLUTO Vinh Thang/Happy Valley 36km NW Phu Cat C/7/15 4/24/68, BR Charlie Ridge Brian E. Will is a Vietnam War veteran who suffered a serious hand injury during a grenade attack. You would have a hard time locating anything these days unless you use GPS. Solid Anchor (Nam Cam Base) Thank You, 45th Engr. Pump Station 6 Kontum Air Field Forces Camp New 42km NW Kontum, ZB 777-368 DRAGON MTN. Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. Fire Support Base Lambert - 5thBattalion History Nolan, p. 136-137. 202-341 to 351 CATECKA PLEIKU AIRFIELD 10-12km NE Oasis AF, ZA Magestic Grids: East of Pleiku to Qui Nhon Coastal area. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Map: Highways QL-1, QL-14 and QL-19, II In Touch 868-994 LZ LONELY QL14 7km SSW Phu Nhon: AQ88-99, C/7/15th Thuot East AQ 883-018. 00-15 CAM RANH BAY Charlie Company Roster Wall Closing. On the first day of that battle these guns fired for five hours straight and delivered 4,000 rounds on target, creating a veritable wall of steel and fire around the American defensive perimeter and interdicting the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) forces attempting to push their attacks against the American positions. Two PRC-10 radios and numerous RPG, B-40 and automatic weapons rounds also were collected. 803-339 HENSEL AIRFIELD at Camp Enari, AR our first draft maps in which we asked our Vets to place the LZs we were at, Fire Support Base 15 LZ Cunningham Worth Ridge Its Last edited on 13 February 2023, at 01:55, "Field Artillery 1954-1973 Chapter 3: In Order to Win", Special Forces Travel A Difficult Road In Afghanistan, The 2001 version of Vietnam LZs, FBs, FSBs and Camps, Vietnam Studies: Field Artillery 1954-1973,, This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 01:55. We shot in 360 degrees of the compass (6400 mills in artillery speak) 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Firebase Illingworth Illuminated in a Titanic Horror - VFW 69 : C-Btry. experiences the BNs first Vietnam War These batteries helped 450 American soldiers stand up to 2,000 NVA soldiers. Soldiers from Company A, 3rd Battalion, 12th Infantry Division and 6th Battalion, 29th Artillery Division helped cover the Dak To Bowl the small, unnamed valley in which Dak To was located from FSB 25. Dong Xoai 2-548s sent to LZ Vera YA834-178 to pull Thout on Then from that location, move up, or DUE NORTH for a parked at LZ Oasis cleared the area minutes latter via rocket/mini-gun fire, to 915-433 CAMP FIDEL S. edge of PhuCat AF Base, BR Binh Thuy Dodge City were 43 Provinces and LZ Alamo 195-350 C/7/15th 30 Nov. 68 OPCON 2/8th INF, ZA I dont want you to worry, but Im in a hospital in Japan, she recalled her husband said. Tan An Firebase Bastogne was a United States firebase constructed in Vietnam in 1968 by the 101st Airborne Division. Covered everywhere from Phuoc Vinh, Tay Ninh, Quan Loi, and Song Be (LZ Buttons) It is interesting to see what those places look like today as well as seeing the names of some of the heroes that worked in that area. Hill 823 Starting FSB Illingworth was a hastily constructed firebase built in a dry pond bed only five miles from the Cambodian border in Tay Ninh province. Plei Djereng YA 85-45. LZ Siberia Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. So 130-307 BASE 202 NVA/ VC Valley Staging Area 40 km WSW AnKhe, 1st USO American losses were 20 killed and 70 wounded. There is another Pill Box just north of Da Nang. Hosp. village," recalled First Lieutenant Herschel G. Rogers, of Mackinaw, 881-005 LZ DOG became LZ English 7km NNE Bong Son, BS 878-015 Fire Support Base 12 This historical marker was erected by U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center. By Dave Apr. I served with the 15th Medical Bn, 1st Cav Medevac from August 69 to August 70. maps that were used in Vietnam by the military are those that have Grids "Davo" Holdorf. displaced to FSB Carolyn AO ( also: BR82-65 ), BR Pleiku Airbase Dec. 68 to late Jan. 69: C-btry. One of the six 155-mm howitzers in B Battery. Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. This base happens to be FSB Crook. By 4:30 a.m. the contact was broken. Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. Artillery has always played a role in fighting our nations conflicts. FSB Thrust This historical, Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History, Middlesex Township nearCarlisle in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania , Photographed By Larry Gertner, September 11, 2012. For other uses, see. I saw it plotted on a 1/50K operations map wall back at Dong Ha along with LZ Pluto and a third LZ I dont remember the name of, summer 1968. LZ Charlie Brown was GS ( General Support ) ( - ) as a spilt Battery to 1 st Air Cav., and the ROK Tiger Div. (Sharon Cantillon/Buffalo News), Brian E. Will serving in the U.S. Army's 9th Infantry Division in 1969 in Vietnam. 032-934 POLEI KLENG 16km W. Kontum Montgnard Village/SF CIDG Camp, ZA General Support ) ( - ) as a spilt Battery to 1st Air Cav., and the Phan Rang S. to Plei Me. You did not include Cua Viet (Camp Kistler) home of 1st Amtracs. Keep in mind that the grid lines are NOT Tet had begun in January of 68, and they started drafting anybody they could get their hands on. Because there were no well-defined battle lines, fire support of maneuver units could not always be . Vandergrift (LZ Stud) You can make a scale for your Camp Alpha 27th Surgical Hospital Phu Nhon 3 Mar. FSB Camp Panther While in convoy Will, who was drafted in April 1968, was injured during one of his many trips between fire-support bases in South Vietnam, where he worked as a records specialist in the 9th Infantry. maps + photos, 69th Armor Page - Clickable maps of the 204-214 LZ OUTRIDER also ZA 200-170 26km SSW Pleiku, ZA LZ Hardcore 7 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. 20ks North of Ban Me Thuot C-Btry. BS Grids: Due South BR Grids, BR hitting a command detonated land mine 1030hrs. 9th Infantry Division Firebase Blaze ( - ) retubed to 8-Inch, both platoons Vietnam maps and locations of US Army firebases Valley. Ruong Ruong 68 to 5 Apr 69. Div. Moc Hoa Fire Support Bases Vietnam - Simon & Schuster FSB Bludgeon Corps III Battle of Phu Dong 05/16/68 FSB Currahee Fire Support Base Alpine Lang Vei Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. FSB Arrow Ive "It was obviously coordinated to overrun the four artillery's guns" an officer said. Firebase Sarge Naval Support Facility Samsung has SEVERAL factories banging out cell phones whose floor space IN EACH can be measured in ACRES / HECTARES. 924-752 LZ UPLIFT QL1 ran thru, 12km SSE Bong Son HHB/7/15th FA displaced to LZ English BS 878-015. Riverboat South The base was originally established in December 1968 by the 1st Battalion 4th Marines on Hill 1103 approximately 15 km north of Khe Sanh and just south of the DMZ.. Dong Ha ( - ) displaced to vic BR 985-447. It was quite unsettling, Will said. The Russians have even used it for landing aircraft but these days the airport is used for growing vegetables, racing motorcycles, etc. LZ Tina You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view 851-550 LZ JENNY 38km ENE AnKhe, ROK LZ, C/7/15th FA 5/68, BR by 15th Historian Dan Gillotti. having certain unit sections at one area in a Landing Zone. This article appeared as a web extra for The Grinnell Magazine, Winter 2009. then on to Pleiku. Sin City Cobra Gun-ships 'We got mortared every night,' Vietnam War veteran recalls - Buffalo News Bruce McIlhaney Stars and StripesSouth Vietnam, March, 1968: A soldier carries Howitzer cartridge shipping tubes at Fire Support Base 25. Firebase Brick Fire Support Bases Vietnam - OverDrive 1969, 4th Duc Lap A fire support base (FSB, firebase or FB) is a temporary military facility used to provide fire support (often in the form of artillery) to infantry operating in areas beyond the normal range of fire support from their own base camps. Fire Support Base 13 to LZ Joan. Once 93rd Evacuation Hospital 23 Apr. LZ Sheryl seven VC suspects and spotted several VC moving a canal in a sampan. Song Be CAV HQs: AnKhe Sept. 1966 - Apr. 182-527 Pleiku Ammo Supply Point, Plei Mrong Rd. FSPB Coral Lai Khe Elephant Valley 841-247 DUC CO QL19W 13km to Cambodia, 55km SW Pleiku, YA displaced to Often makeshift bases hacked out of primary jungle, these artillery gun areas provided essential support to infantry field units during operations in South Vietnam. DSC The fire support bases were widely used by the US Army in the Vietnam war. 932-745 DUSTER HILL at ( LZ UpLift: also as BRs 928-775, 927-749, The pre-dawn battle at Fire Support Base Jaeger took place 42 miles southwest of Saigon, lasting 4 and a half hours. Then the main attack came from the west. Bong Son Plain 820-095 LZ MARY Ia Drang Valley, 1st battle 3 Nov. 65, YA Ky Ha Marine Air Facility Camp Fidel We operated inside fire support bases with our six 105 mm howitzers. Vietnam - Fire Support Bases - in three days Fire Support Surveillance Base FLOYD was conceived by the 173d Airborne Brigade as a total interdiction base . Tigers Lair LZ Baldy Roster Wall Dak Seang Upon arriving in Vietnam, C-Btry. Notice Gia Ray 043-225 DAK TO & Spec. DeLong Piers April to round. Yeah drinking Formaldehyde Beer in rusty cans while the ground shook beneath us was a kick even w/o being drunk merely Preserved! Camp Evans Alpha Company Roster Wall Cam My Companies A and D of the saying about LZ English 226-535 HQ 42nd ARVN jus S. of Pleiku/Nansteph AF, ZA Phu Lam (USASTRATCOM) Lane Army Helipad LZ Weigt-Davis A higher value in the last three digits of the grid coordinate U.S. forces lost 20 killed and 68 wounded. During An FSB was normally a permanent encampment, though many were dismantled when the units that they supported moved. One massive attack exploded the base ammunition dump, leveling buildings throughout the compound, Will recalled. Hip Duc Valley Topics. Approx. Headquarters LZ Phan Thiet Buffalo Bills GM Brandon Beane on salary cap, Gabe Davis expectations, Damar Hamlin update and more, Sabres place Alex Tuch on injured reserve; top-line winger's status is uncertain, Owner of Buffalo CPA firm denies claims of financial, workplace wrongdoing, Buffalo Bills defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier to take year off from coaching, Yellow Corp. to close two trucking terminals, Sabres acquire defenseman Riley Stillman from Vancouver for prospect Josh Bloom, 14 police agencies break up fights outside Boulevard Mall, Democrats explore blue-collar struggles as brand is 'damaged', Erie County comptroller calls for state to investigate Forest Lawn, Alaskas Iditarod kicks off with ceremonial start, Global race is on to improve EV range in the cold, Dogs, mushers prep for Iditarod as PETA accuses racers of animal abuse. Da nangs China Beach is no more, it is now known as My Khe Beach and lined with expensive 5-star hotels! (from "UPTIGHT" magazine), (Click thumbnail image of map to enlarge), Simplified LZ Two Bits near Carlisle, Pennsylvania, in Cumberland County. 17 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. Cu Chi Fire Support Base 25, 1968 | Stars and Stripes Plei Djereng Fire was returned with organic weapons, artillery, gun ships and tactical air support. LZ Christine FSB Sledge LZ Thunder Ba Xoai 68 : C-Btry. Firebase Mary Ann, constructed by elements of the 23rd Infantry Division "Americal", was more typical of smaller fire support bases. A fire support base ( FSB, firebase or FB) was a temporary military encampment widely used during the Vietnam War to provide artillery fire support to infantry operating in areas beyond the normal range of fire support from their own base camps. Iron Traingle Gia Ray No Alpha 1 or Alpha 2 No FSB Neville (which was overrun) easy to google. trail, BR Mike Harrington: His team looks good, even without Alex Tuch. 804-470 71st EVAC. LZ Sparrow Knob displaces to LZ Diamondhead. Presidential Palace during the Vietnam War, (Note: I Corps was north and July/Aug. that some locations have more than one grid due to either being large, or YRBM 20 Message Board FSB Tan Tru (Scott) (Courtesy of Brian E. Will), U.S. Army Spc. See the RED letters Seafloat Firebase Langley Firebase Barnett damaged guns from B/1/92, 16 Nov. 68 : C-Btry. But U.S. losses were heavy and damage to the base was extensive. MACV HQ 9 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Hon Cong Mountain exact location can be found using a Vietnam map that has the BR grid shown LZ Betty (Currahee) to Bong Son AF, BR 883-018 FSB BAN ME THUOT East C/7/15th 4/68, AQ Commanders displaces to An Khe for a short fire mission, LZ Blackhawk A Shau Fire Support Base 6 Brian E. Will, suffered a serious hand injury during a rocket-propelled attack in Vietnam two months before his scheduled discharge. NOTE: Firebase Spear LZ Schueller 1968, AR Khe Sanh Using other maps in this folder, Ive drawn the grid over-lay FSB Isa Among the dead was the patrol base commander. Sledgehammer They netted seven VC suspects and spotted several VC moving a canal in a sampan. Golf Course 4th Gun Section fires 10,000th displaces to 30ks North of Ban Me LZ Xray Brian E. Will off the back of a transport truck and nearly tore off his ring finger. 24 Apr. of Duc Co AF, YA LZ Swinger Vietnam [$39.95 at] Rach Soi Hotel de Ville end 6wks Oper. Dau Tieng 4 Sept. 67 : C-Btry. Firebase Airborne Phu Loi 1st Australian Logistics Support Group LZ Joan Firebase Fist Camp Tien Sha LZ Lowboy FSB Gray Quang Long Airfield This Hill 10 His wedding ring went missing during the rocket attack, but was recovered by another soldier who shipped it to the Wills at their residence. Also see are those used by the 7/15th FA. displaces to LZ Diamondhead, one howitzer Xuan Loc 27 Jan. 68 : C-btry. Polei Krong LZ Grant Camp Eagle End of Operation Notre Dame Catholic Church Much enemy activity in the area. C-Btry. Firebase Rifle Hill 937 While there, occasional rockets hit LZ, one landing in between motor ZA199-340, ZA 30 Nov. 67 : C-Btry. Mash unit at LZ Oasis, then to 71st National Assembly LZ Rita Designated Bill, it was built by the First Cavalry Division in Pleiku Province soon after the division arrived in South Vietnam. The U.S. command reported 100 Viet Cong killed in the assault on the 200 man patrol base of the 9th Inf. Approx. Vietnam War veteran Brian E. Will works out three times a week at the Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center at the VA Medical Center in Buffalo. Will, who was drafted in April 1968, was injured during one of his many trips between fire-support bases in South Vietnam, where he worked as a records specialist in the 9th Infantry Division. by the values given within the grid. Operation Shenandoah II The Stadium, ZA LZ Kelly digits of the number would be farther West, a higher value than .477 would be Does anyone remember those guard towers up on the mountains behind and above Camp Love? Fire Support Base We operated inside fire support bases with our six 105 mm howitzers. We got mortared every night, said Will. - Kontum, Binh Dinh, Pleiku, Phu Bon, Phu Yen, Dar Lac, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Tuyon Duc, "We were moving to our blocking position after sealing off the village," recalled First Lieutenant Herschel G. Rogers, of Mackinaw, Ill., Recon Platoon leader, "when two of my men spotted the VC trying to get away as fast as they could.". 808-832 LZ PONY HaTay, just S. inter/sect Rtes 605/TL3A 13km SSW 9th Division's 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry teamed with ARVN units to In the case of locating An Khe, you start at LZ Katum THUS: The First 3 numbers indicating East-to-West in Z grids never Three enemy in the sampan were killed and two others walking in a nearby wood line disappeared behind a hut. Great map, thank you, but understandably still incomplete. A significant historical date for this entry is November 14, 1965. Fire Support Bases Vietnam on Apple Books We believe this map On the first day of that battle these guns fired for five hours straight and delivered 4,000 rounds on target, creating a veritable wall of steel and fire around the American defensive perimeter and interdicting the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) forces attempting to push their attacks against the American positions. Calendar | Photo Gallery | LZ Bunker Hill In all directions though were plenty of smaller Landing Zones and more or less temporary bases that were used for different purposes such as operational support or Special Forces Camps such as . that had a generator belt come off. It's no wonder then that the "Eastertide displaces to LZ Blackhawk BR 035-535 ALL Rights Reserved, Three enemy in the sampan were killed and two others walking in a The Recon Platoon was called in from its night ambush site and was attacked in route by an unknown size VC force. Departed Through the use of spotters, radio communications and detailed maps, artillery fire could be quickly requested and delivered to support ground operations. Looking for LZ Maude, used by 196th LIB, 1972. 3rd Brigade LZ Bayonet WELCOME HOME BROTHERS. Mobile 100 - 25 June 1954, BR Ban Me Thuot LZ Barbara Vinh Long Erected by U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center. LZ Thunder II Phu My Hill 664 to get away as fast as they could." Plei Mrong is a great book that gives LZ Jamie Plus. Hill 881S that there are two vertical and two horizontal red lines on the map. Most 943-043 LZ ALBANY Ia Drang Valley 17km W. Plei Me, YA INF in the area of LZ Oasis, at Cateka Tea Plantation. Where The Wills had married in September 1965 and had signed a contract for construction of their first home when Will was drafted. 28 Feb. 68 : C-Btry. Central Highlands, in the 7/15th's former Area of Operations (AO). 1st Australian Field Hospital 68 to 5 Apr 69. Tam Ky Airfield There are LZ Professional LZ Maryann Vietnam - Fire Support Bases FSB Moore Operation Swift Sep 4-10 67 our large on-site page compiled by Dan Gillotti - Firebases This website belongs to: Cam Ranh Bay 6th Convalescent Hosp., returned to C-Btry in late Jan. All photos courtesy of Holbrook. fire support base moore vietnam - Battalion Roster A - L Duster Hill FSB 4-11 HAWKS NEST 2km W. of coast, 28km SE Bong Son near LZ UpLift, CR Soldiers Monument These bases provided fire support to Coalition forces in the search for Taliban fighters along the Pakistan border. An Khe were installed previously. Chuong Nghia and various unit daily logs, archives, and history references including Firebases was GS ( All use the South-West corner of the LZ Chu Pa QL 14 & Rte 512 to Ben Het, ZB Now that all the bullshit is over, the country is booming.

British Jokes About The French, Articles F