saratov russia birth records

Population: 41,707 (2010 Census); 41,436 (2002 Census); 40,947 (1989 Census). Copyright 2009-2019 The Center for Volga German Studies at Concordia University, Copyright 2020 - 2023 The Volga Germans. This table is a modified version of Table 5 in which I have reviewed the original data and changed the spellings of the villages and their Russian names to those which I have found more commonly used for these villages.I have also modified the spellings of the colony names if appropriate. Welcome to the joint website for the ancestral villages of Frank and Kolb, neighboring villages located near the Volga River in Saratov Province, Russia. The Central State Historical Archives of Belarus contains church books of the Lutheran Bishopric of Minsk, vital records of the Mogilev Roman Catholic Consistory, and revision list records for the Minsk gubernia. Death 1872 - Dietel, Saratov, Russia. 1807-1825 Births - AHSGR 1865-66 Mary Marando Collection It's a good idea to check the FamilySearch Catalog to see if records are available through FamilySearch before contacting or visiting an archive. 1869-70 Mary Marando Collection 1839 Saratov State Museum of Military Glory. 1863-64 Birth year must come before death year. 1900 They are essentially an index or inventory of individual delo, or packets of documents. 0. saratov russia birth records. 2023 American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. 1911 areas of Poland, Conrad Glintz 1457-1529 - Ancestry An index of around 100,000 death and burial records. 1842 1902 When using the browser Google Chrome, right click anywhere on the page and select the option Translate to English. 1856 Search for an exact birth/death year or select a range, before or after. The third church building, constructed of brick covered with plaster, was built in Balzer from 1848-1851. 1837 The next column, , lists the opis number. The final column .. such an uproar in Kherson and in St. Petersburg, that Bishop Kahn was forced to 1876 There was only one throne - in honor of. Frederick John Fritz Ehrlich. Saratov (Russia). 1915 Russia Birth & Baptism Index (1755-1917) The 1897 All-Empire Russian Census - Avotaynu Online ORDER A BIRTH CERTIFICATE ONLINE ( . saratov russia birth recordsduskull evolution arceus. Research German Russian immigration records by browsing AHSGRs German Russian passenger lists by ship, surname or village. 1892 END, 1896 1846-47 The purpose of ICGRS was to advance the study of German-Russian history and culture worldwide. Balthasar Brungardt, born 1825 - Ancestry living in the Russian To see what kinds of post 1917 documents are available, click on 1917 . 1859-60 1883 This archive has existed since 1918, and today is one of Russia's largest local archives, containing over a million files. look for an alternate location. 1847 1897 1904 Saratov State Art Museum of A.N. Census Lists - American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 1898 An index to over 170,000 various birth and baptism records, listing parents' names. 1826-1833 Births - AHSGR 1794-1825 Births - AHSGR Saratov 1911 1900 Kutschurgan Region. Births/baptism dates, location of birth, confirmation year and location, marriage dates, and death dates are often noted. with their cell phones. The 1811 Russia Village Census Records lists census data from 34 German Villages along the Volga River in Russia. Email Dr. Brent A. Mai for ordering details. View vital statistics, place of German origin, & locality of settlement in Russia. 1875 1901 Abstracts of details found in passenger lists, passport records, correspondence and seaman records, which may list name, age, gender, birthplace, occupation, residence, destination, emigration date and more. The Grimm parish was nearby and included the Dnhof parish. Where do I find birth records from Donhof, Saratov, Russia from 1860. 1852 1860-1869 Family List - AHSGR Germans from Russia Genealogy Research - German Roots 1851 1837 jefftibi1.5269197816397996E12. 1847-48 1832-33 1858-59 AHSGR provides many resources to aid in genealogical research related to the history, cultural history and genealogy of the Germanic settlers in the Russian Empire and their descendants. Here is the link: and there appears to be a list of church records kept in the Saratov archives, but I only found a pdf. Simply right click anywhere on the page and select the option Translate to English. There was a problem getting your location. 1880 were copied by cell AHSGR offers free downloadable Family Group & Ancestral Charts to help keep you organized during your genealogy research. German Evangelical Lutheran records are found in fond number 303. To see if there are records for your ares, use this archive's website in conjunction with the resources available at 1818-1858 Deaths - 1863 Births 1798-1833 - Tim Weeder 1856 1840 1834-1858 Births - AHSGR 1855 Saratov, Saratov, Saratov, oblast, Russian Federation: Death: November 02, 1924 (75) . large archdiocese was You really should contact the Germans from Russia Groups to find more specific answers, since they appear to be the main ones providing information about what you are looking for. - Orlov, Gregorii. 1892 Search 30 million given names. 1908 1911 Dnhof is a German village. [fond number], . 8 Saratov Oblast, Russia county locations. When the administrative or personal value of the records expires, they are transferred to an archive. The records cover people of German extraction. 1826 Peter Goldade Collection (old version). The State Archives of the Odessa Oblast was founded in 1921 and has documents from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Where do I find birth records from Donhof, Saratov, Russia from 1860? 1909, 1898 1839-1853 Marriages - Maggie Hein (17 March - 6 July 1650; Russian transcriptions) The fond, opis, and delo are similar to a library call number and are necessary for locating a specific record in an archive. Browse info on the starvation of the Volga German colonists in Russia and the efforts of the AVRS to supply food and other aid to the region. 1817-1829 No Records exist at Saratov Archive There are census records from 1768 to 1857. 1914 1853 (402) 474-3363. Have an obituary to submit? Then click on the link found in the English box. 1861-62 Mary Marondo Collection 4, , . for this, and Dnhof is not mentioned, but the Grimm parish is. Next, choose Visual Archives, then Church Books. Although the records you need may be in a foreign archive or library, the FamilySearch Library may have a digital or microfilm copy of them. 1910 [opis number], . The following table provides information regarding some of the records available at the State Archive of the Odessa Oblast. Outbuilding tours April through October only. The Russian ship destroyed in Berdyansk was the "Saratov," says - CNN 1826-1833 Deaths - AHSGR, Lauwe And, is it perhaps Dnhof? 1903 1817-1819 No records exist at Saratov Archive Saratov | oblast, Russia | Britannica 1859-60 1852 1820-27 Peter Goldade Collection /putevoditeli are essentially guides or findings aids to archival holdings. Materials were collected by Ken Rock and Janet Bishop and include meeting minutes and . 1868-69 1882 1891 Choose the parish or settlement and then select the church book you would like to view. @Jeffory L. Maw I found a little bit of information. 1873-74 Mary Marando Collection The first column, , or year, records information regarding the years of record coverage. Found more than one record for entered Email, You need to confirm this account before you can sign in. cater to the spiritual would remove it from the fanatical remonstrations of the Orthodox clergy. 1903 1854 [delo number]. 1820 Peter Goldade Collection The lineages of Russian royalty and nobility, with biographical details and extracts from historic documents. 1858 We encourage you to research and examine these records to determine their accuracy. Kutschurgan January 1922 Includes Villages of: Baden, Kandel, Selz, Strassburg - Village Lists Contains: Men 18-60 Able to Work, Females 18-60 Able to Work, Prosperous Elements in Each Village, Owners of Animals, Equipment and Tools GRHS Clearing House, April 2015. The following links are for use by GRHS members for personal use only. 1860-61 Saratov Travel Guide - Tours, Attractions and Things To Do - Advantour Registration is free, but requires a valid email. She immigrated to the United States around 1928 or 1929. The decision as to what to include in an opis is in the hands of the archival cataloger, and will vary significantly from archive to archive. 1846 1876 The geographical index to registers of births of Evangelichesko-Lutheran and Catholic churches of the Saratov province, the Nikolaev and New Uzensky districts of the Samara province to inventories 2-40 funds 637 the Collection of registers of births of churches of the Saratov province is the special index which descriptive article consists of the name of settlement and the search data. saratov russia birth records. Military Museums. This will take you to a translated version of the website. These records range from the early nineteenth century to the mid twentieth century. associate to visit the Reading Room in Do not assume that archive employees will be able to speak and/or read English. The phone code - +7 8452, the postal codes - 410000-410600. 1857 To learn more about writing to an archive see the section Writing to an Archive in this Wiki article. 0 Fritz Juengling Mai 22, 2018 Unfortunately, FS does not have any records from this place. Visitors will be charged $15 for a half day of research or $30 for a full day of research. Exact Exact; Before; After +/- 1 year +/- 3 years +/- 5 years +/- 10 years . A wealth of information including original settler lists, census and church records, family genealogy data and more. In 1914, with the arrival of The Rev. . See pricing & request research services online. For example, the State Archive of the Saratov Oblast, an archive that holds many important Germans from Russia genealogical records, was established during the Soviet period. 1877 1775-1811 Births - AHSGR 1794-1861 Births Four German archives in particular are important for researching Germans from Russia: East German Genealogical Study Group [Arbeitsgemeinschaft ostdeutscher Familienforscher (AGoFF)] specializes in ancestors east of the Oder-Neie line and east European settlements such as Russia and Moldova. 1846-47 They did manage to capture a passing train, but were soon overpowered by the Bolshevik army approaching from the south. 1843-44 1880 1880 1838 1901 Birth records: 1799-1849, 1904 Deaths: 1800-1852, 1893-1895 . 1908 1853 Deaths 1798-1857 - Tim Weeder, Rosenfeld am Jeruslan Russian occupiers raised the large landing assault ship Saratov which was sunk in March in the port of Berdiansk after an attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. END, 1896 Many records are accessible online. 1848 END, 1816 Peter Goldade Collection 2022-06-30; glendale water and power pay bill The following vocabulary words might help you as you are looking at putevoditeli: = Religious Organizations, - = Evangelical Lutheran. [5] I request your help in my genealogical search. In addition to the many great records available online, the FamilySearch Library also boasts a large book collection regarding Germans from Russia as well as a staff of trained professionals who are ready to help you with your research, free of charge. 1847 1899 [2] From [Your full name and contact information]. Elizabeth was born on March 16 1892, in Dietel, Saratov, Volga, Russia. 1849 A work which list the history and etymology of Jewish surnames found in the Ukraine, Belorussia, Bessarabia, Lithuania, and Russia. 1895 1844 1862-63 1881 1896 created the Archdiocese 1839 Birth of amelia "molley" ehrlich. 1827-1892 Marriage Index - AHSGR Click on map to download Herzog was a daughter parish of Rohleder 1897. Mary Marando Collection 631 D St Minkh, which was published in Saratov, Russia in 1898 is here: Pleve's book lists from where the immigrants came, their occupation, members of the family and their age, and when they arrived in Holstein. Johann Friedrich Ehrlich (1849 - 1924) - Genealogy 1840 1844 1907 Death Products - American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 1851 Mary Marando Collection ** If your ancestor was Evangelical Lutheran, use e- for the religion in genitive case. 1830-31 An institution creates records for its own purpose and use. 1833-34 1828-1835 No records exist at Saratov Archive 1908 1866-67 [10] on [date of birth, marriage, or death], [11] Please use the metrical books available in your archive in, [fond and opis number if available, and/or any other additional information], to locate proof of. 1899 Saratov, Russia 2023: Best Places to Visit - Tripadvisor The Engels archive provides genealogical look ups for a fee. 1811 Moor (Klyuchi), Saratov Oblast, Russia Census Records $25 Add to cart 1836-1904 Dietel, Russia Marriage Records $65 Add to cart 1863-1875 Krasnojar (Krasnoyar), Russia Birth Records $90 Add to cart 1908 Hussenbach (Linevo-Osero), Russia (Kamishin district of the Saratov Province) Family List Records $35 Add to cart Contains many details on European gentry & nobility, but covers many countries outside Europe and people from all walks of life. 1861-62 1836-1845 Family List - Brent Mai, Hussenbach 1911 1875 February 5, 1875. This web page is in Russian, but can be easily translated using the Google Chrome browser. 1869 Radishhev. 1866-67 1865-66 1908 My mother's name was Marfa & she was born in 1909. 1914 Researching Odessa Area Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. 1882 1869-70 1816-29 No Records exist at Saratov Archive Before you purchase airfare and plan your trip, be sure to contact the archive to see if they will be open during the time you plan to visit. Change your language settings to translate from Russian into English and paste the website URL into the Russian box. [12b] o (if your ancestor was female, use instead) . 1832-33 saratov russia birth records | Future Property Exhibiitons 1853 1836 .). 1826-1833 Marriages - AHSGR Surnames. The archive will begin research after they have received the payment and information including the surname and name of the person you are looking for and their birth year. The following is a list of available record collections: Metrical Books - Lutheran and Catholic (Nikolaevsk and Novouzensk uyezdi) To learn more about these records and to see the opis, visit An interactive index to thousands of maps covering the world, continents, countries and regions. A database of cricket scores and players. - Historical records and family trees - MyHeritage 1858-59 Frank and Kolb, Russia 1851-1870 Deaths - Maggie Hein Passports to Freedom View passport applications for German Russians from the Saratov region from 1877-1916 that include religion, age, occupation, marital status, family members & more. pages 1891-1905 Family List - Brent Mai, Paulskoye 1901 1850 Family Research - NORKA 1889 1826-1832 Marriages - AHSGR, Walter 1839-1868 Deaths - Maggie Hein Saratov (UK: / s r t f / s-RAH-tof, US: /-t f /-tf; Russian: , pronounced [sratf] ()) is the largest city and administrative center of Saratov Oblast, Russia, and a major port on the Volga River upstream (north) of Volgograd.As of the 2021 Census, Saratov had a population of 901,361, making it the 17th-largest city in Russia by population. residence in Kherson and begin his work, the Russian Orthodox Church had created The website, Szukaj w Archiwach, is a record repository for various regional websites across Poland. based on information from your browser. Birth records from the Parish of Alt Elft, including the villages of Alt Elft, Dennewitz, Katzbach, Neu Elft, Marienfeld | Volga German Institute Schwab Cemetery in Saratov, Saratov Oblast - Find a Grave Adalberg Hugo Willigrode, it became an independent parish and he served Dnhof and surrounding communities. Points of Interest & Landmarks. We are a nonprofit organization and rely heavily on our members & donors to continue preserving our German Russian history. You do not have to speak Russian in order to write to a Russian archive. 1893 5 21, 2018 5 27, 2018 . 1913 Kutschurgan Records - Germans from Russia . 1906 The State Archives of the Saratov Oblast contains records for both the Black Sea, Caucasus, and Volga areas. Odessa Digital Library a German-Russian Genealogical Library -- contains numerous databases related to Germans from Russia. The FamilySearch Library has some (but not all) of these records and a partial index to EWZ records can be found through the Odessa Digital Library ( Copies of the original record and a translation of the 1916 saratov russia birth records -

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