drug information resources ppt

MW, Borron JW, Mashima B, Knollman DL, Jameson Citations to the primary literature are also provided at the conclusion of each monograph. Truven Health Analytics, http://www.micromedexsolutions.com This electronic resource contains information about FDA-approved indications, off-label uses, pharmacokinetic data, safety information, and pharmacology. Limited references to primary literature are provided. Chapter 5: Literature Evaluation II: Beyond the Basics. Additionally, information such as National Drug Code (NDC) numbers, routes of administration, dosage form, size, and strength are included. This resource is available online as well as for mobile devices. American Pharmacists Association, http://www.pharmacist.com This text provides information about preparation of sterile and nonsterile dosage forms. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc., http://www.hanstenandhorn.com This resource provides summaries of, mechanism of, and management options for reported drug interactions. This contains a directory of health care organizations online. The extended-release form of morphine is for around-the-clock treatment of pain. Additionally information regarding Internet pharmacies and electronic transmission of prescriptions has been added. This site uses cookies to provide, maintain and improve your experience. Available from: Trissel Drug Information Resources. Information is provided about federal and state regulation of product development, dispensing, and development. These references may often serve as an initial place to identify information, due to the fact that they provide a fairly complete and concise overview of information available on a specific topic. WM, Berns There are a limited number of journals covered and not all articles from a specific journal issue are included (i.e., some articles may not be included if the editorial staff did not feel that they had sufficient focus on relevant drug or disease state information). 6th ed. This site uses cookies to provide, maintain and improve your experience. Washington, DC: US National Institutes of Health; [cited 1 Mar 2013]. The site also offers insight into and information on home testing and complications. Please try again later or contact an administrator at OnlineCustomer_Service@email.mheducation.com. Drug Information Resources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation 1 / 28 Remove this presentation Flag as Inappropriate I Don't Like This I like this Remember as a Favorite Share About This Presentation Title: Drug Information Resources Description: Alternative Medicines, DRUG DEX. Its focus is on clinical casebased presentation of information. Animal literature is provided in cases where human literature is lacking. Due to factors such as cost and memory requirements practitioners must be judicious in their selection of databases to purchase for a mobile device. LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions, http://www.lexisnexis.com This indexing and abstracting service provides coverage of a variety of types of information, including medical, legal, and business news. Since many consumers find at least some of their information online, pharmacists should be prepared to help consumers evaluate the quality of information found online as well as recommend sites where information might be found. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. It is for these reasons that the systematic approach discussed in Chapter 2 is helpful in order to streamline the search process. Am Fam Physician. Drug Information Center Goals1. In addition to more traditional DICs, drug manufacturers have medication information departments that serve as a source of drug information for the products that the manufacturer produces. National Cancer Institute, http://www.cancer.gov This database is maintained by the National Cancer Institute and indexes literature from a variety of sources specific to cancer literature. Find the latest science-based information about drug use, health, and the developing brain. PN. All potential sources of information should be considered. Medications and mothers milk 2012. U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, http://www.usp.org This is the official resource for determining generic and chemical names of drugs, as well as the international nonproprietary name. The Basic Resources for Pharmacy Education listing distributed by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)1 was utilized in selecting the resources described in this chapter; additional commonly used resources in drug information2 were also included. Keeping up with the medical literature: how to set up a system. Hale In order to efficiently perform a search, it is important to consider which search engine would most likely index the desired materials. 5. Recipients may need to check their spam filters or confirm that the address is safe. This lets many practitioners access information from a variety of physical locations rather than being restricted to only medical libraries or drug information centers. AHFS Drug Information is available in paper format (updated annually), an excerpted paper format (AHFS DIEssentials), and a mobile drug reference version. Robert Galarowicz Reviews. Fauci This resource is available via hardcopy, online (Facts & Comparisons eAnswers), and for mobile devices. Some examples of tertiary resources include textbooks, compendia, review articles in journals, and other general information, such as may be found on the Internet. There are also resources to support owners of diabetic animals. Search terminology such as randomized controlled trial or double-blind can be used to eliminate studies of weaker/poorer methodology. JC, Catania The mother has recently been prescribed levofloxacin for treatment of an infection. SH, Enders This is not a resource focused on patient care issues. Many resources that have been traditionally available only in a paper text are now accessible via a variety of electronic formats. Washington, DC: US Food and Drug Administration [cited 1 Mar 2013]. JK. St. Louis (MO): Wolters Kluwer; 2012. The use of human-labeled pharmaceuticals prescribed in an off-label manner to treat companion animal disease states is a viable option for veterinary medicine. M. Basic skills in interpreting laboratory data. PDF Department of Pharmacy Practice, SRM University. Clinical decision support tools: personal digital assistant versus online dietary supplement databases. Weston (FL): Intelligent Content Corp; c1999; 2013 [cited 1 Mar 2013]. Special for lifetime plan. H. Current status of pharmacist-operated drug information centers in the United States. Classification of request. Shargel On December 12, 2022, PubChem will serve as NLM's single source for chemical information. Home; Drugs A-Z; News; Help and advice. Trissels 2 Clinical Pharmaceutics Database [Internet]. Drugsite Trust, http://www.drugs.com This electronic resource has an easy-to-use imprint search. WE. However, as pharmacists develop a better understanding of where to access information, provision of drug information will occur more quickly. Information about individual state pharmacy law is best obtained through the individual state boards of pharmacy. Does the resource contain relevant information? T, Nathan Often requestors may not have that information; therefore, it may be necessary to search for a manufacturer Web site to identify the specific individual ingredients and then look for information on the individual components. One or more of your email addresses are invalid. Information & Resources Learn more about pharmaceutical safety and the science of pharmacovigilance The following pages are a free information resource presented by PrimeVigilance to aid in the general education of pharmaceutical safety and the science of pharmacovigilance. Tampa (FL): Clinical Pharmacology; 2006 [cited 1 Mar 2013]. If the information obtained in the tertiary resources is not recent or comprehensive enough, a secondary database may be employed to direct the reader to review primary literature articles that might provide more insight into the topic. Pediatric drug calculations for nurses ppt - Here, we will show you how to work with Pediatric drug calculations for nurses ppt. Home - Pharmacy - LibGuides at Dalhousie University 2007;27(12):1651-8. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Information is also provided about legal and technical issues in compounding practices. These factors contribute to a situation where pharmacists who receive veterinary prescriptions can be challenged in their knowledge of veterinary drugs, indications, dosages, disease states, and therapeutic monitoring parameters. This site has information about the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. Also, the name of the disease state, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, has changed over time, so it may be necessary to use other terms, such as attention deficit disorder. L, Crespo An image of the Sahara desert from satellite. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Stuttgart, Germany: Medpharm Scientific Publishers; 2008. MM, Arcara 5th ed. SP, Hume While the resource focuses on treatment of disease states and development of a therapeutic plan, sections regarding pathophysiology and clinical presentation are also provided. Table 34 contains a listing of just a few of the sources that may be useful for consumers. types of drug or medical information. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. There is a tablet identification section as part of the electronic format. BA, Pasko Shannon Get free membership. Available from: Clauson Drug Poster Project.doc - Create a poster (word document or ppt slide Pediatric drug calculations for nurses ppt - Math Topics The online resource also includes tablet identification features as well as medication pricing information. RJ. Division of Drug Information Service, University of Iowa, http://itsnt14.its.uiowa.edu This is an indexing service that allows retrieval of full-text articles from a variety of biomedical publications. Does the author have appropriate experience/expertise to publish in this area? iii. LV, Popovich A practical guide to contemporary pharmacy practice. USP 36/NF 31 2013: The official compendia of standards. What to do in an emergency; 10 ways to deal with peer pressure; 8th ed. Enders Tap here to review the details. c|EyYx[P`o0NUesU@9,QdEZU]'WSmobR6V tV#o].M(RnM_/]dZ*lG LM, Winchester Additional implications for pharmacy practice are provided for some legislation. JM, Kourmis Clauson Combining two terms with the operator OR will result in an equal or greater number of returns since it will include any citation where either term is used. Your pharmacy has just begun offering these services and in the dialog the veterinarian references AMDUCA. %PDF-1.6 % SG. Reiss This electronic resource compiles data from other Trissel publications. Schaefer ursa-major.spdcc.com ursa-major.spdcc.com contains all of part 2 of Alexander T. Shulgin's book Phenethylamines i Have Known And Loved.

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