revelation 19 explained verse by verse

16:12-16). He answers, "I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in my anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment. Revelation provided a message of hope: God is in sovereign control of all the events of human history, and though evil often seems pervasive and wicked men all powerful, their ultimate doom is certain. Imagine the millions upon millions of Christians that will be gathered in that glorious assembly and when the voice of the Lord comes exhorting us to praise God and give glory to Him, and in our response to it that tremendous praise, crescendo of praise that will arise. When any wrong is done, it will be dealt with. And again they said, Alleluia. There is therefore much to be said for the ]Protestant application of the chapter as compared with the Praetorist theory of pagan Rome. revelation-19:1-3 - Bible Commentaries The true reading here is neither hard nor doubtful save to unbelief. This is the last main section of the Book of Revelation. place on earth following the return of Christ (20:4; compare Matt. All believers in 9:7; See it explained in the notes on that place, and on Revelation 14:19-20. But now, when those symbols disappear, because of a new action of God (namely, the consummation of the church's joy), the elders and the living creatures disappear, and we have not the bride alone, but another class of saints, who at once come forward. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come: and let him that heareth say, Come: and let him that is athirst come: let him that will take the water of life freely." That is, there was first the literal Babylon, of course; but here it is symbolical. Verse 7. That is letting religion enter in. "All three of the figures in this verse are representations of the word of Christ, by which he executes with indisputable authority the judgment of God. Thus the difference is complete between past history (if we look at the extinction of the empire and the rise of the ten kingdoms) and the certain fulfilment of the prophecy in the future, when we look at what God has really told us. First, there are his servants. "righteousness" was not ours until we received the Lord Jesus into our lives and It was the destruction of the imperial unity of Rome that gave occasion for the well-known ten kingdoms which the barbarians set up afterwards. When 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 Commentary. the Lord Jesus Christ are the bride of Christ, whether they are male or female. As Revelation 17:1-18 was a descriptive digression, so is the portion from Revelation 21:9. ceremony. But the church consists of souls called out from the earth, and is not of the world: consequently to the church the time is always at hand. purified at the judgment seat of Christ (1 Cor. The ambiguity springs from the fact that the testimony of Jesus can bear either of two meanings. A loveless marriage is a contradiction in terms. Here were joined good and evil in godless union, for the worse, not for the better, this alliance, unholy in principle, irremediable therefore in practice, between God and the natural man, who substitutes rites for the grace and word of God, for the blood of Christ, and the power of the Spirit, and employs the name of the Lord as a cover for grosser covetousness and ambition, yet more aspiring than the vulgar world. He is in charge of the Anastausus Ship, but he is facing a jail sentence of three and a half years in Greece because He gave a Bible to a sixteen-year old Greek boy and the boy accepted Jesus Christ as His Savior. This scene Scripture is positive in Isaiah 65:1-25 that death during the millennium only comes as a specific judgment because of open rebellion. Can anything be less reasonable (even taking that ground, low as it is) than that the various rulers of the western powers, Catholic kings, join the Pope in destroying his own city, or his own church, whichever Babylon may be made? He treaded the winepress As the grapes are trodden to express the juice, so his enemies shall be bruised and beaten, so that their life's blood shall be poured out. 10 million Ukrainians without power because of Russia. Here were thrones, and people sat upon them, changed 'before this into the image of Christ's glory. "The second coming of Christ is an absolutely essential theme in New Testament theology. Rev. Verse 3. Man gets hung up and he stops short. It is the "Word of God" that will conquor nations, not physical armies using force. faith during the Tribulation (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Zech. It is no longer a question of sustaining His saints in grace, but of sovereign power for judging the earth. And their voice on this He is, as H. B. Swete puts it, "a royal commander followed by a dazzling retinue." And it was so. Leaving behind the subject of the power of evil in the world, the visions now move on to their climax. The view that they are non-sequential rests on similarities between Ezekiel 38-39 and Revelation 19-22. What did the "avenging the blood" probably mean? It is not meant that he who was more honoured in service than any of the twelve, he whom the Lord used for bringing out the church of the heavenly places, will not have his own most singular dignity in this glorious scene. Who will join in acclamations of praise, and partly on account of their Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 10 The woman the strange woman sets forth corruption, human nature indulging itself in its own evil desires, irrespective of God's will. . harlot. And the city lieth foursquare, and its length is as much as the breadth." In the Testament of Levi (5:5) Michael is said to be the angel who intercedes for Israel. see that it is in connection with the foregoing not merely His coming for us who will keep the sayings of it, but for those whom He will find here below "to give to each as his work is.". Accordingly these are the two main objects of judgment brought before us in the chapter. Thus the second beast is no longer seen as an earthly power, but as a prophet-of course a false prophet. If you preach on prophecy, you are bringing the testimony of Jesus. Whoever this angel is, he too had the testimony of Jesus. The word used for sitting down is the word for reclining at a meal. Who does not see that this is precisely analogous to the verse which opened the description of Babylon? "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse." It is necessary that we should all bear in mind, if we have not observed it before, thatRevelation 17:1-18; Revelation 17:1-18 does not pursue the chronological course of the prophecy. It is also clearly a personal reward to those who had suffered. In our day men prophecy "the end of Christs church", but Christs Word is mightier than any word that men can utter. The Spirit of God regards it in its final shape and completeness, as far as it was permitted to attain it, "The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stone and pearls." But a very different point of interest is to be observed. We may have a special task in it, but this is not the work for us, as it seems to me. From Rome saints had suffered; and it was easy to see that the revealed persecutress is called Babylon, and identified with the governing city of Rome. . In as many things as she glorified herself, and lived luxuriously, so much torment and sorrow give to her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am not a widow, and I shall in no wise see sorrow.". They have long waited for the time when God's justice would triumph. and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.". Read the verses thoughtfully. Thus the only use that seems made of the book is negative and exclusive. ", And the twenty-four elders, and the four living creatures fell down and worshipped the God who is seated upon the throne. sound like "mighty thunderings". "And death and hades were cast into the lake of fire. No one really knows what the vowels in Y-H-W-H were. To free men from the restraints that they may feel that have any kind of a Biblical base, so that you will not be feeling guilty over those things that are prohibited in the scriptures. Persecuted Christians have been encouraged to endure their trials by the assurance that God is still in control. VERSE BY VERSE MINISTRY . You can trust in this that these are the true sayings of God. Nothing has yet been said of the fate of Satan, but now we go on to see that fate. At this point the evil world system has been destroyed and God's kingdom has Now, the time has come for the Lord Jesus Christ Himself to return in power and great glory and establish God's kingdom upon the earth. Take this quite simply and literally. (i) There is love. He will destroy His enemies with inflexible righteousness that the iron shepherds rod that will serve as His scepter pictures (cf. Blessed are those that are called to be a part in this. 12:10; 13:9; and Roman We saw that the twenty-four elders represent the twelve patriarchs and the twelve apostles, and, therefore, stand for the totality of the Church. Then go into each of the twenty two chapters of the Book of Revelation one by one. Everything that belongs to the body of Christ is unearthly and unworldly. and believers alive in earthly bodies in the kingdom. "Whoever comes to me I will in no wise cast out" ( John 6:37 ). It does not hinder, of course, that in the judgment of the dead each man is judged for his own sin. And God said, "Let the waters above the firmament be separated from the waters below the firmament." "I heard a great voice of much people in heaven": The people are the same with The judgment of the dead is strictly individual, judgments in this world are not. You would never hit the bottom. Nothing is hidden from Him. An allusion to Psalms 2:9 ; shall rule them . "His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many diadems." First, "I saw thrones, and they sat upon them." This, was no lack. It furnishes material for a contrast between the earthly Jerusalem and the heavenly city, because if there be one thing more remarkable than another in Ezekiel's description, it is the temple. And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations unto it. The common notion, therefore, that the coming of the Lord is at this point is an evident fallacy upon the face of this scripture that describes it, not to speak of others elsewhere. It is not the gospel, nor the Holy Spirit, but the lawless revived Latin empire with its vassal kingdoms of the west, that combine and destroy Babylon. which will take place on earth following the return of Christ (20:4; Matt. The unrenewed of the nations are now compassing them with their countless hosts, as if to eat them up like grasshoppers. the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse ( Revelation 19:21 ). And that is the question the prophet asks and Jesus answers, "I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save." But the attempt, again, to apply what is said here to a future city of Babylon in Chaldea seems to me no less vain. One of our pastors, Imad, spent some time in the Egyptian jail. Capnionis, which was used by Erasmus, and lately discovered after a long obscurity by Dr. Delitzsch, reads (not ) . Once it is in an Old Testament quotation in 2 Corinthians 6:18; the other nine times are all in the Revelation ( Revelation 1:8; Revelation 4:8; Revelation 11:17; Revelation 15:3; Revelation 16:7; Revelation 16:14; Revelation 19:6; Revelation 19:15; Revelation 21:22). On his head he has many crowns. It is a time of strong delusion, be it remembered. "After these things I heard as it were a great voice of a great crowd in heaven, saying, Alleluia, the salvation, and the glory, and the power of our God: for true and righteous [are] his judgments: because he judged the great harlot, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. What is it, seven hundred and fifty million degrees Fahrenheit or something like that? His word which hurled the suns in space will execute his will when the time comes. 2:18-19). It is the active word which carried out the commandment of God. So we are obliged to translate the single word, e.g. This is predicted in Numbers 24:17 and on account of this the nations will be angry under the sounding of the seventh trumpet, with which this vision is contemporary, Revelation 11:18. The enemy falls on with great fury, headed by the beast, and the kings of the earth; the powers of earth and hell gathered, to make their utmost effort, Revelation 19:19. In the . Then the angel quickly tells John not to worship him. We can easily understand that the overthrow of the ecclesiastical power is necessary to leave a full field unimpeded for the imperial power to develop itself in its final form of violence and rebellion and apostacy against the Lord. If so, we can define the true prophet as the man who has received from Christ the message he brings to men, and whose words and works are at one and the same time an act of witness to Christ. If you preach on prophecy, you are bringing the testimony of Jesus. In Jesus Christ we meet reality. John insists that angels are no more than the servants of God; and that God alone must be worshipped. Polyglot, and all editions of the least critical value. It is a description, and not one of the visions that carry us onward. He will tread the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty. But "nations of them which are saved," is a most anomalous expression, and betrays man as the author of it. Never again will there be more false religions, worldly philosophy, injustice or "Owr hayah owr hayah", "Light be and light was". That is worship of God in unprescribed ways. supper of the Lamb represents the millennial kingdom of Christ, which will take Meanwhile the armies of the antichrist perish in battle (19-21).With the antichrist and the false prophet destroyed, only the first member of the evil trinity remains to be dealt with, Satan himself. How does God tell us to worship Him? Who said Amen, Alleluia as they worshipped around the throne? Scholz's note ("rec. They begin to worship, in a sense, the instrument that God has used. Men have been beguiled here and there, and from an early date, to set aside the true bearing of this chapter. 19:14-16 The armies which are in heaven followed him, on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and pure. corrupted and destroyed them in soul, body, and estate. Christ will come in glory to judge and rule. Gods permanent crushing of mans rebellion (verse 3); (4) In her own course, and in the matters of her portion, the church does not know time at all. The wrath of God is fierce! great affection and vehemence of spirit, which will be raised hereby. If only an imperial city, what has this to do with mystery? man's day. That with it he should smite the nations - The nations that were opposed to him; to wit, those especially who were represented by the beast and the false prophet, Revelation 19:18-20. Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.". The outer court represents the control of Jerusalem and Israel by Gentiles during the last half of the Tribulation period. It was but an imperfect view they got even of justification; a far scantier perception, if they could be said to have had any, about Christ's Headship of the church, His priesthood, or almost anything else. They are not seen here as the bride. God uses them for this object,-the setting aside of her, the great religious corruptress, whose centre is found at Rome. It is altogether unfeasible, and it shows how carelessly we read the Bible that people are not stopped by such an expression. The seventh bowl contained under it the fall of Babylon, which "was remembered before God, to give to her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.". Nothing of the sort can be plainer. The book of life will confirm what is gathered from the books. honors God and sin mocks Him. The marriage of the Lamb: The wife or bride of Christ is the "True and righteous are thy judgments, O Lord.". There was the sad register of undeniable sin on the one side; there was no writing of the name on the other side. Now the scene totally changes The armies of heaven are the hosts of the angels. 19:10b The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. It calls God the Almighty. and the fullness of the Gentiles will be brought in. Christ to earth. Revelation 19:9 "And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed [are] they which are Lit. 1. And Paul speaks of himself as betrothing the Church like a pure virgin to Christ ( 2 Corinthians 11:2), and for him the relationship of Christ to his Church is the great model of the relationship of husband and wife ( Ephesians 5:21-33). For who knows not the horrors of Mariolatry? There is more that we still have to learn of Him. God. I do not suppose that many words are required by the present audience to show that we are not to understand the scene as a mere figure of Christianity. It supposes the effect and the exercise of faith. "And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is near." "Yet is" is a most unfortunate expression. To the Christian this book is not sealed. It is not only that the angel corrects the act by asserting that he is a fellow-servant of him and of his brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Verse 8. Revelation 19:1 Commentaries: After these things I heard something like It is true, the beast's judgment is only referred to as a defeat under the hand of the Lamb. union of the church with Christ following the Rapture (see 1 Thess. The seven Spirits of God (Greek: , ta hepta pneumata tou theou) are mentioned four times in the Book of Revelation, and in the Book of Isaiah it names each Spirit.Revelation 1:4: John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven . God accounts my faith for righteousness. If so, they are there in the quality not of the bride, but of those invited to the marriage of the Lamb; but I do not think them the Apocalyptic saints for the simple reason that, as shown in the next chapter, the Apocalyptic saints are not raised from the dead yet. Literally "fierceness of the wrath". Once Jesus enters the battle, it is soon over. Righteousness of saints: Not Christs imputed righteousness granted to The voice that comes from the throne is most likely to be understood as the voice of one of the cherubim. All this description closes in verse 5. It is all centered around Him. Then you may be very good all week long, and you put your little star behind each of the categories each evening. And He Himself treads . Revelation 19:7 "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the The church is heavenly; and in heaven there are no times nor seasons. As Dr. John Paterson puts it in The Book that is Alive: "The spoken word in Hebrew was fearfully alive. ", 2. He knows But you can go ahead and do these things without pangs of conscience trying to destroy God out of our society, out of our lives. Armies of angels are with him, but his conquest is not by armies or weapons. 19:4 And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sits on the throne saying, "Amen. Certainly the ascription to the Lord of the fierce struggles of a human warrior is markedly avoided. "And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the wife of the Lamb. "And he had a name written, that no man knew but he himself." A mysterious lawlessness inherits the well-known name of Babylon when Rome is brought forward; and it does not merely embrace Christian times, but the end of the age after the church has gone, when the course of divine judgment comes. But it conserves certain great truths. "And he saith to me, The waters which thou sawest, where the harlot sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues."

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