stephen armstrong pastor theology

Thank you. Can you advise? (Youre more likely to find a doctrinally sound male teacher because there are far more male teachers, period, and because there are many of them who hold to sound, biblical doctrine.). Associate Pastor and Personal Assistant to Dr. John MacArthur at Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA. Im sorry, I misread your original comment to mean that he was speaking with (i.e. He came to know the Lord in his early 30s, while serving as an Air Force officer. Prosperity heretics preach the prosperity gospel that teach Jesus is rich; that He died to make people rich; that you must tithe in order to be "blessed to be a blessing". I had an unconditional disdain brewing within me. They are lists of men I have listened to or read and am familiar enough with to feel comfortable recommending. I wonder how many others in EMI would say the same. Modern Day False Teachers | Monergism West Valley Police Activity, If you sat him down and talked to him, he would affirm the biblical doctrine of the Trinity, the deity of Christ, that Christ is the only way of salvation, etc. In the Gospel According to St. Mark, Jesus introduces and[], Without knowing it, I grew up believing in a quasi-Wesleyan[], So far on this blog weve had some discussion led[]. There are so many fantastic teachers out there, it would be easy to leave these three guys behind and never miss them :0). One was Apollo 11. Introducing the Southwestern Seminary faculty. Q and A session | 18-09-2020 | Pastor Stephen Armstrong - YouTube Im sure if hes Peters Approved hes a fine pastor and exegete :0) Glad you found the articles helpful. He married Barbara Brewer on Nov. 15, 1964 (deceased 2004). Yes, theyre both great. There are loads of places that say He knew us or called us from the beginning. I have a very hard time getting past John MacArthurs, and others on your list, Lordship Salvation-Works stance. . R.C. This is the exact list of pastors that have helped me turn away from the spirit-filledmovement, which was how I turned from new age. Nathan Armstrong. I have read and listened to all on your list and consider them to be sound teachers as well. Video Just What Do You Mean Faith Once Delivered? Will read more in depth shortly; its a fascinating read! 7,417,439 journeys have been made to this site. Stephen Armstrong writes for the Guardian, the Sunday Times, GQ, Elle, Wallpaper and the New Statesman, as well as showing up on Radio 4 whenever they let him. Sounds like something that pastor needed to hear! Interview of Stephen Armstrong - Part 1 Verse By Verse Ministry International 14.8K subscribers Subscribe Share Save 9K views 9 years ago Watch the first part of an interview of Verse By Verse. It has only to do with the doctrines of salvation. Hi Robin- Im familiar with that site. LIVE STREAM. Neither you nor I know the exact nature or depth of Voddies and Tonys relationship. Thanks for checking (duh like you wouldnt ) Armstrong strongly condemns all immorality publicly and often. Is this the kind of thing you had in mind? I just got in on the discussion, so perhaps she would be the one who could provide a reputable link or follow up with an email to him. What prompted my finding your site and researching it was a photo of Michelle Duggar with Patricia Shirer. More than those, however, like you I found myself having increasing desire to let the Bible speak for itself which led me to Reformed and Covenantal theology. He has said and done a handful of things over the past five years or so that caused me to raise an eyebrow, but, of the sermons/lectures of his that I have had the occasion to listen to, Ive not heard anything unbiblical. Mike'is latest book is "Evangelical White Lies". Greg is honored to do life with his wife of 16 years, Kristal, and his 3 sons Evan, Ethan and Greg (III). I have my favorites on the list that I listen to almost every week. I was reliving some of that yesterday as I reflected on my initial transition. Because Mormons emphasize free agency so much, I felt like I needed to emphasize the creator/creature distinction between God and man, the freedom of God over against the bondage of humanity to sin, and the radical grace of God that initiates salvation. Located in Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America is the national university of the Catholic Church, founded by the U.S. bishops and the pope, faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ as handed on by the Church. It all happened at the beginning of my Sophomore year at BIOLA University. While I consider him to be generally doctrinally sound and agree with him in many aspects of theology, he is not someone I proactively recommend for a few reasons: 1. Check him out! Wasnt Voddie Bacham affiliated with Doug Phillips and Vision Forum? I found the Instagram post (I did not scroll through all 400+ comments to find Priscillas comment, so Ill take your word for it on that). Did a ton of interviews for #FaultLinesBook caught up with some old friends and made some new ones. Priscilla Shirer commented on the post We love you and your family Voddie! And the late Jerry Bridges work and books are wonderful. is stephen armstrong a calvinist. Bless the Lord O my soul! Hope this helps! Have you any issues with Jimmy Swaggart s ministry in Baton Rouge? (I am never sure what is the big horror of it anyway) he has said, when asked, that he is a leaky dispensationalist meaning that he sees the ways God worked with man in different eras of history, but he is not hung up on it; it is not the basis of his theology. And thats ample reason why no one should be reading the books in that series. Despite having no professional religious training, in 2003 Stephen was called by God to lead a church planting effort in the city as pastor of Living Word Fellowship. NICOLE ARMSTRONG. "W. 204204 64 Comments 14 Shares Share He is the author of several books. Jack Graham, on the other hand, I would not recommend. Although I regularly listen to him, Alistair Begg and John MacArthur and feel no real difference. :0). Expectations for Teachers. We are doing our best to learn and study but it is like we live in a sea of false teachers. Ada Defense Lawyer Los Angeles, Men need strong, godly, male influences to teach and set the example of biblical manhood. Adjunct Faculty | | Started at Bethel: 2014. Please let me know what you think about this! Hi Elizabeth, yes, please see my comments to WriterHelenDavis (early April) and Robin McLain above (mid August), who had the same questions. :0). The NRB convention is a business convention, not a theological/ministry/church conference. SAN ANTONIO - A church is mourning its pastor after COVID-19 claimed his life early Friday morning. Stephen Mark Armstrong. I have in mind this kind of Calvinism that is simultaneously rigid and disconnected from the Reformed tradition more broadly. . One of the final tipping points was when I was having a discussion with a Mormon and she said, Youre saying that you arent saved by your works, but isnt your accepting Heavenly Fathers gift of salvation a work? Umwell, I guess if we have any say in receiving salvation, then it would be a work that we do. Armstrong greeted onlookers with a smile, but declined to comment. DIRECTOR OF SPIRITUAL FORMATION I can email that to you if you want it. Yes, you definitely need to add another 10! 1 Pastor Armstrong's Easter 2013 message 1 Pastor Armstrong's Easter 2013 message Pastor Armstrong recounts a conversation he had with two Jehovah's Witnesses concerning the identity of Jesus and the meaning of His death and resurrection The comments by Ralph West, pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston, were made in response to a Nov. 30 declaration . Thanks for ask you do. I could no longer fight it. An early pioneer of radio and television evangelism, Armstrong preached what he claimed was the comprehensive combination of doctrines in the entire Bible, in the light of the New Covenant scriptures, which he maintained to be the restored true Gospel. Hi Dave- Although I recognize the names, Im not really familiar with either of them. As Ive mentioned, these are not exhaustive lists. Jakes and Steven Furtick. Mr. Hesselink expounds Calvin's view of the Lord's Supper. It is extremely feminine. I was amused you included Todd Friel, and impressed you had Voddie Baucham on the list. :0). As a brand new babe in Christ, I walked 2 bloicks to a church in my neighborhood. Northeast Side church mourning pastor after COVID-19 claims his life Kelli. In 2014, he became the 5th senior pastor for The Chapel in Akron, Ohio. Hi Mel- I would steer clear of all three. I have recently been listening to sermons by Jerry Wragg, senior pastor of Grace Immanuel Bible Church in Jupiter, FL. I know the seminary needs him, but Im hoping to see more of him once he gets everything settled down there. Sproul and John MacArthur. He is not someone Id recommend as a teacher of sound doctrine. As the article mentions, this is by no means an exhaustive list. He serves as Board Chairman and a faculty member of The Expositors Seminary in Jupiter and is a graduate of The Masters Seminary. His complementarianism seems muddled at best. PASTOR EMERITUS Stephen was the Senior Minister of Christ Church for 35 years from 1987-2023. I love your website and appreciate you so much. The Verse By Verse Ministry International End Times Group Study explores Bible topics commonly overlooked in small group studies. I did not take the leap, however, until I started my Theology II class in the Fall of 2006. I dont really know anything about him. May i also suggest Dr. Paul Elliott of Teaching the Word. I try to stress to my readers that they should never just take my, or anyone elses, word for it that someone is a false or trustworthy teacher, but that they need to compare everything to Scripture. It disturbed me so much that I actually thought that I had made the wrong choice to attend BIOLA. I think youll find them pastoral, yet challenging, and all of them trustworthy in both their doctrine and their associations and ministry partnerships. Truth is truth regardless of what we call it. A Few Good Men: 10 Doctrinally Sound Male Teachers I would encourage readers, as with any other site, to explore discerningly and compare everything to Scripture. Additionally, despite the fact that I do not believe that being a Calvinist supplants my identity as a Christian or is the most important thing about my Christian faith, I still affirm it and believe that it is a rich resource for me theologically and devotionally. They refused to let me partake in the LORDs supper ( they evidently examined my heart for me) and then all 35-40 people broke out in what I am sure they thought were tongues. She has a strong background in offering the life-changing love to the community and has also served the Central Texas Conference in various positions. I had always viewed Calvinists as the bad guys. Steven Armstrong interviews Egyptologist Jasmine Day, PhD. I respect his teaching as much as the others listed. Looking for a scripturely sound, non legalistic church seems nearly impossible at least up here in New Jersey. Stephen Armstrong writes for the Guardian, the Sunday Times, GQ, Elle, Wallpaper and the New Statesman, as well as showing up on Radio 4 whenever they let him. bionically meaning biblical! Well, then youre probably not going to like my blog very much, but youre more than welcome to stick around and hang out with us if youd like :0). It was actually another lady, who commented on the daughters comment by Voddie. Choose items to buy together. Rick Warren, on the other hand, would fall into the category of false teacher. Why? Mahasi Sayadaw, Vipassana Metta FoundationTranslation Committee (Translation), Steve Armstrong (Goodreads Author) (Editor), Joseph Goldstein (Foreword author) 4.48 avg rating 95 ratings published 2016 4 editions. Hes also sharing this daily with other men, so my husband brought it to my attention. Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary is deeply committed to being a servant seminary that prepares bold spiritual leaders who are public theologians. In 2001, Stephen received God's call to move to San Antonio, Texas, where he soon found opportunities to teach and preach verse-by-verse in churches throughout the area. God Bless! But after reading Schreiners essay I didnt fully transform my theology. Since men have a higher level in the spiritual hierarchy, doesnt using a womans teaching open him up to more possible deception? spell check? So you were right LizFromOz. I agree! If you're new or would like to comment, please see the "Welcome- Start Here" tab at the top of this page. Wednesday Service 7pm. I have been listening to A.W. He is the pastor of Justin Peters church, Kootenai Community Church. Stephen was a resident of Alexandria, Louisiana at the time of his passing. The only thing I was totally committed to at BIOLA was the Utah/Mormon ministry on campus (now dubbed EMI: Evangelical & Mormon Interaction), which led me to spend my Interterm break, Spring break, and even my Summer in Utah (when I was a student at Brigham Young University). I am never alone with Christ, but have never felt more isolated while surrounded by people. He encourages daily bible reading and study, his website has a grat data base for questions you might have, and he sends out a daily email if you sign up for it. I have not seen it since becoming aware of that. His comments about daughters being junior wives is really sick and unscriptural. However, I still find myself struggling with it in some way and Im not sure I could exactly point out what my struggle is with. School of Theology and Religious Studies | CUA Steven Gertz and Chris Armstrong. I ask questions about the doctrines of gracefor which they did not believe. Oh thats right, no one can, but YOU can jump out! All his teachings are available for free and in podcasts format or straight from their website with downloadable notes. Ed Young (Im assuming you mean junior, not senior) twists Scripture and acts about as undignified as Ive ever seen a grown man of his age act. Thanks. There are a lot of links out there and there seem to be a number of them with the same reference to where he preached about how a man will want to leave their wife for a younger woman and the daughter comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My husband & I are huge fans of most of the teachers you posted, I think theres two I didnt know of yet. Steve is found dead as one investigates the mob-rule at Vault 101. I know your journey well my friend. Hi! Stephen D. Armstrong (Steve) Stephen was born on November 15, 1929 and passed away on Friday, November 6, 2015. Do you recommend him? I was just remarking to someone yesterday that I probably need to do a list of unknown guys (I know a bunch personally who are awesome) and a list of the old dead guys. Praise God there are so many godly men out there to learn from! Steve Lawson - A pastor for 34 years, Dr. Lawson is now founder and president of OnePassion Ministries, "a ministry designed to equip biblical expositors to bring about a new reformation in the church." He serves on the board of Ligonier Ministries and The Master's Seminary, where he is also Professor of Preaching. Ive learned over the past few years that TBN is dangerous to the Christian soul and now Im on a journey to find good solid Biblical teaching while still avoiding all false teachers so these lists are more valuable than you know for a newer believer like myself. Im Reformed and not a MacArthur follower. REV. Any thoughts on RC Sproul being a part of this NRB International Christian Media Convention in 2017? You are so right about few and far between when it comes to women teachers but I have found one and her name is Susan Heck. For the most part, yes. Chalke, Steve [rejects penal substitution and biblical Inerrancy; supports same sex unions] Cho, Paul or David Yonggi [Word of Faith, pastor of largest church in the world] Claiborne, Shane [Progressive Christian] Clement, Kim [New Apostolic Reformation] Copeland, Kenneth and Gloria [Word of Faith] John Dominic Crossan [Liberal Theology] For example, T.D. (Link in stories and AWFS bio), Popular False Teachers & Unbiblical Trends, Doctrinally Sound Christian Men to Follow 1. If youre on a computer, go to the right sidebar and scroll down until you get to Blogs and Podcasts I Follow. On the one hand he will go so far as to say that Christian women cannot be police officers (the Bible mentions nothing of the sort), yet on the other hand he joins in ministry with Caine and Moore who in addition the the false doctrine they preach both actively and unrepentantly violate clear Scripture by preaching to men. My conversion was very similar. I also find some lesser-known men when I listen to the stream/recordings of the Shepherds Conference that takes place every year at Grace Church. We just got the Charles Spurgeon Study Bible (we have been loving reading his sermons). Regarding the lordship-salvation by works issue with MacArthur, I would respectfully ask Have you actually read The Gospel According to Jesus? He does not teach any kind of salvation by works, far from it, only that Jesus is, as the Bible teaches, our LORD and SAVIOUR, and we are called to repent and believe on Him., recognizing His Lordship, rather than believing, going on our merry way, and perhaps, making a later decision to make Him Lord of our lives As for him being a dispensationalist!!! All Bible studies are free to download at This item: Making Deals with God. This may help, Thanks, Liz. Be blessed!! Curious what you think of Dr. John Barnett of Calvary In Michigan? shelved 1,381 times Showing 30 distinct works. Despite the manifold frustrations that I have felt over the years with a certain breed of Calvinist for their sloppy exegesis, caricatures of the perspectives of non-Calvinists, and odd cultural habits, nevertheless, I continue to persevere. Blessings to you! Leroy R. Armstrong, Jr. . By way of brief background, on May 20, 2021, Pastor Tim Armstrong sought the resignation of Pastor Mike Castelli., Thanks for the suggestion, Jan. At first glance, it looks like a good resource! Rest assured, if Voddie starts yoking with false teachers, I will, sadly, remove him. Reblogged this on The Cross Is All We Need. 4. He led the revitalization of Christ Church, as well as the renovation that took place in 2020. . And Im so glad to hear about Grace Reigns as well! So please, do not give up. . Seminaries provide future clergy with a theological education, but the academy . Dedicated to advancing the dialogue between faith and reason, Catholic University seeks to discover and impart the truth through excellence in teaching and research. Our mission is to work with the global church to inspire people to love others before self and Christ above all. Oh please, do not give up on finding a biblically sound church . I seem to lean in this direction because God is all knowing and perfectly sovereign and He must know who will be saved and who wont. Hi Michelle, Jonathan Edwards: From the Editor Papa Edwards . Like you I too attended and attend Calvary Chapel where Arminiam is deeply rooted. Peter felt God's invitation to seminary and had a life-changing experience at the Talbot School of Theology. I always felt like I was mishandling the text and making it say whatever made me feel more comfortable, anything other than what I felt that the text was pointing towards deep down. Daron roberts just finished a great teaching time on hermeneutics. I totally understand about feeling done with church, but I would encourage you not to forsake the assembly. LISTEN to our Hospitality: Part 2 episode on @awordfitlyspoken! Charles Stanley and Jack Graham are to me the best of the best. In his letter, Armstrong rebuts the charges outlined by O'Neill. I noticed a mention of Greg Laurie in another post, but no detail as to why you listed him among false teachers. LEARN ABOUT GARRETT. Perhaps it can be said that I never really developed into that Cage Stage Calvinist that we all know so well. I dont think Jim Osman is JPs pastor, but he IS a pastor. My wife and I are immature believers. Central Florida Metal Detecting Club, If I knew Voddie personally and he asked my advice, I would tell him I didnt think it was wise to post a picture of himself with Tony Evans (which was one among several pictures of him with many other people) with the word friend attached to it. His preaching was great. Mrs. Berna Deene Saylor, that was beautiful, thank you so much. hes not someone I would recommend even if I had heard of him. 3. Im not going to warn people away from John Piper as a false teacher, but I cant in good conscience recommend him either. A few thoughts: 1. Peter is passionate about people and loves spending time with them . CARM strongly recommends that a woman who is in charge of a group of people in the church not be called "pastor" even if she is not ordained. Even though I was an elderly lady at that time, I was a young whipper snapper and new in my walk, and my zeal would die down they said.. Ive also heard Tim Keller. Justin Peters is one of my favorites, too! Hermeneutics of Love (Guest Post) The Two, Thanks for listening Jennifer! By this pastors own acknowledgement most of the people in his 4,000 person church were unsaved & many had attended for over 10years or so. I remember asking a Bible major friend at lunch during my first or second week on campus about his experience as a Bible major. Hes a continuationist. I really enjoy his writings.. It was a biblically sound church but there was no emphasis on calling out the false doctrine in another brother within the church. How about Chester A. McCalley of In Stock. I have yellow flags with Voddie Baucham as well. . :0). I believe, unless Im mistaken, that MacArthur has said at one time that he is not a Calvinist. As for Todd, no one says as much biblically sound and honest things while making you laugh at the same time. This ministry is committed to providing compelling, verse-by-verse teachings of God's word at no charge, thus ensuring the whole counsel of God is proclaimed. Im not a big fan of classes doing book/DVD studies. Blackbob Court Townhomes, Hi! No worries, happens to me all the time :0). Never give up. :0) Im afraid Ive never heard of him, but this article may help as youre researching him. Thank-you for your ministry, Michelle! I would definitely recommend Michael Horton of the White Horse Inn and Modern Reformation. Stephen Armstrong. Ill have to check him out! I think the confusion is that the correct definition of heresy differentiates between true heretics and false teachers, but many Christians dont seem to understand that because the terms heretic and false teacher are often used interchangeably. Herbert W. Armstrong - Wikipedia Doctrinally Sound Christian Men to Follow - 1 - Michelle Lesley Click to receive a FREE copy! Let's Teach Video Series - Lesson 2. Heres a blurb from his bio on the GIBC website: Prior to his ministry in Florida, Jerry served for many years as Sr. (As I recall, Todd mentioned something to that effect on that episode.). Great expositor. I appreciate you taking the time to expound on those two terms. What he said was correct. Going into my Sophomore year after having declared to be a Bible Major, however, I was very concerned to make sure that I had an open mind to the Bibles teaching. I just remember being there in my dorm room sitting on my couch in nothing but my boxers. You dont have to take the accounts of the old testament literally. Also author of truth or territory re spiritual battles. We were at a church for over six years and I felt stagnant in my learning of scripture. Verse By Verse Fellowship Church | San Antonio Texas In addition to various articles and essays, Jerry has published a book for churchmen entitled Exemplary Spiritual Leadership. Steven Armstrong Obituary (2021) - White River Junction, VT - Valley News He says and does a lot of unbiblical things which he needs to stop and repent of, and nobody should be following him, but he does not preach or claim to believe anything (to my knowledge anyway) that goes against the basic doctrines of salvation. how many homes lost in almeda fire; cqc interview questions for nominated individual; envelope stuffing jobs from home near me; influence of media ownership on media content pdf; franklin county, ny departments; Pastor Joy Armstrong Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Cloquet, MN . One of his parishioners nearby said the police action has long been expected. I even started a hermeneutics study (Mark Keilars Word PicturesBecoming a Workman series) and invited the whole church. Charles Spurgeon is great reading.. That makes total sense. I think pop-Calvinism manifests itself in many ways, especially in the angsty YRR phenomenon. Aw, thanks so much Susan! It is my pleasure to serve you in Christ, but Im sorry I had to be the bearer of bad news. I spent my Sundays listening to sermons online while cruising the internet everyday. We earnestly desire to seek God and do His will but it seems like we have so much to learn and are struggling with who we should even listen to. . Youre more than welcome. We currently attend a church out of state but to be honest, we are sort of done with church as a whole. books by pastor john hagee; ethical issues facing ethnographers include all of the following except; . Includes some men with Calvinist leanings, Lol,is this a warning (you might want to check out my Statement of Faith tab at the top of this page) or a recommendation? It was teeny tiny (I made an even dozen). stephen armstrong pastor theology what was life like during the communist russia. Hes got you. The first breakout session of Stephen Armstrong from the 2014 VBVMI Bible Conference. Perry Noble, Steven Furtick, Stovall Weems, Brian Houston, Beth Moore, Christine Caine,,,, Throwback Thursday ~ Clinging to the Golden Calf: 7 Godly Responses When Someone Says You're Following a False Teacher, Guest Post: Lauren Daigle and the Fruit of "Losing her Religion", Choose What Is Right: A Study in Discernment ~ Lesson 1- Introduction, Leaving Lysa: Why You Shouldn't Be Following Lysa TerKeurst or Proverbs 31 Ministries, Going Beyond Scripture: Why It's Time to Say Good-Bye to Priscilla Shirer and Going Beyond Ministries, The Mailbag: Celebrity Christian Hot Takes (Driscoll, Graham, Groeschel, Lewis, Lucado, Piper, Vallotton), Bible Gateway- Fantastic concordance and other Bible tools, CARM- Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, Christian Answers for the New Age (Marcia Montenegro). I would add Justin Peters (so humble and kind and right on theologically), Brannon Howse and Mike Abendroth. How do you feel about Charles R. Swindoll (Chuck Swindoll) and James Dobson? Stephen Armstrong + Follow Follow to get new release updates, special offers (including promotional offers) and improved recommendations. I have listened to all but two of these men. Because we have shown "faith" in Him, He is obligated to reward our faith. Your opening point is very valid: so many of us seem to be The Bible and Christians instead of just opening the Book and reading it. More recently, he has been a featured speaker at events like the Passion conference where he has shared the stage with Christine Caine, Beth Moore, and Judah Smith. John Piper played a massive role in my developing thought as a Calvinist too. My, oh my, how convoluted things can become! 2. He lived in the 9th century BC, during the reign of the wicked King Ahab of Israel . I am not familiar with BBN Radio. New Creation Church insider speaks out - ChurchWatch Central San Antonio, TX 78216. During my first year of college I was undeclared without any clear passion for any particular subject of study. Heretic Steven Furtick - famous for being presented as Messiah at his Code Orange Revival. Speaking in tongues (gibberish/glossolalia). I listen to this man almost daily as I live only 30 miles from him. You can find my article about it under the Popular False Teachers & Unbiblical Trends tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page, or just type Bible Recap into the search bar. Ha, yes! Thank you! Thank you in advance. AP37 Process artist Stephen Armstrong outlines his attraction to the landscape - both natural and man-made - and his engagement with it through paint.

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