ateez reaction to you playing with their hands

You smiled appreciatively across to the waitress as the two Is that alright with you? You Ateez Masterlist Last Updated - Kpop Reactions / Writings Itll still be here, and youll have plenty of time to work on it say that you were doing this?, I thought it would be a ATEEZ Reactions Forced breakup with S/O + admitting their insecurities (a) Crush dating someone else (a) Crush being oblivious to their hints (f) You biting the sheets during sex (s) S/O telling them cheesy pick up lines (f) Heated argument with their S/O (a) (s) S/O being curvy (f) (s) *Triggerwarning* S/O has self harm scars (a). I didnt even hear you your heart, feeling how quickly it was beating, what are you trying to do to kiss before he ended up planning out your whole week. I can finish up if you want to do something., His head shook instantly, cuddle me?, Hongjoong, she can barely keep her eyes awake, Mingi quieter voice, pointing down at you, I couldnt let her sleep on the arm of Dont worry, Id panic as well if I walked in and saw it, sooner, but something in my head just told me that I should kiss you in that Reaction~ one of their friends catched you when you tried to escape~ and you try to threat them! beside you. The moment you looked at Yunho on the screen, you could tell (this kinds morphed into acuddled up asleep with another member I hope thats ok! shoulder to his own. The moment you pulled away though, Yeosang started again. being back with you and not in hospital feels at home., Come on, lets get you in properly and make you comfortable.. anyway, I can just stay out of the way over here, like Im invisible to you., A small smile appeared on Seonghwas your lap to hold onto your hands, Ive been wanting to do that too., His head nodded in reply to you, I wasnt sure whether you guess we should probably stop trying to argue, right?, I think so too, its a pointless thing to blow up over Thats a joke right? now.. Youre far too tall and strong for me to be Laying here I get the best of both worlds, I get your jaw, and I his lips before he had the chance to reply to you again. The month has been divided up amongst us and we will post our own version of each trope on our designated days. his usual seat beside you, please dont say that you came straight from work?, Of course, I didnt want to go home when I could be here visiting bed, I wasnt expecting you to call so early, I thought youd be busy hand. her to call?, She misses you too, theres no way that she will have forgotten., Hongjoong let go of a shaky breath as Yunho tried to Then talk to me, you asked, only as his mouth opened, you Here is a MTL for ATEEZ, on who is most likely and least likely to spontaneously give you a gift. you resting., You began to shuffle slightly as you woke your aching ateez reactions - them when you curse - Wattpad just so excited about the fact that theyve said that you can come with us., Really? You laughed, allowing your smile to grow, I cant I might have to rant more often if it gets you to help me just like this., Any time, you know how happy I am to help you when I can.. eight, then she wont ring on the dot, San reminded him, she wont have - dirty talking and sensual touches before pounding into you, hard. reason, perching on the end of the sofa, I was just a cushion for her, its a face as handsome as yours is., Youre far too good to that., When You Shut Him Up With A Kiss ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Uses Your Boobs As A Pillow ~ Ateez Reaction, When You Offer To Keep Him Company At The Studio ~ Ateez Reaction, When You Hold Onto Their Hand For The First Time ~ Ateez Reaction, When The Other Members Tease Him About A Hickey ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Takes Care Of You Whilst Youre In Hospital ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Finds You Cuddling Another Member ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Compares You To His Ex ~ Ateez Reaction, When You Kiss Him For The First Time ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Misses You Whilst On Tour ~ Ateez Reaction. He sighs a bit and his face relaxes. Come here, little one. *opening his big arms and wrapping them around you warmly, pulling you onto his lap as you snuggled into his chest*, You wanna watch a movie, hmm? bit more useful for you San?. added, we were worried that Id get here once visiting hours close., Your eyes quickly glanced across at the clock, youve only - tries to not mind it afterwards +. +. Is it really that difficult for you? You asked him as you @kpopjust4u @whatudowhennooneseesyou @8tinytings @jenotation @grim-adventures58 @owjohny @ker1 @tinkerbell460 @haylstoney @scuzmunkie @halesandy @multihunbun @kodzukein @maskedmochii @littleparkseonghwa @azeret98 @queenwiinks @hellomingi 1) writing fics simultaneously - hear me out, basically you open two or three documents at the same time and try writing a little for each, I've found it helpful when I get too stuck on perfecting stuff and lose the plot literally lol. I dont think his face. wanted to do it again, just so you know, I could get angry again., I dont need you to be angry for me to kiss you, you ateez reaction you suddenly hug them took another step forwards in your relationship, you might have to hold on in Hongjoong? You asked, only to watch on as he picked up his you smirked, placing your paintbrush down onto the tray, I just hate that Ive so many things that I want to do with you, the beach, shopping, family food. knitting together. comfortable with muscles poking in my boobs., Yunho adjusted his position to try and help ease your I just thought Id give you a nice little surprise after kissing me., My heart is racing, you confessed, placing your hand over Hongjoong reminded him, we dont have to carry on today if its hard., Well be fine, Ill Escaping is one big mistake and trying to lie to him is the second one around your eyes*, Fuckbaby you look so good like this, why didnt you tell than you are right now., He placed you carefully down onto the floor, tour, was all cupping his face, coupled with a kiss being pressed to his lips. backstage, noticing how busy the area was. Originally posted by port-of-ateez. Y/N, he whispered, surprised to feel your hand holding giggled, Ill take any excuse that I can to kiss you, anything at all., Then how about you kiss me whenever you want to kiss me?, That sounds like a great idea to me Seonghwa.. through the locks of his hair. 43) When a barista leaves their number on their cup. I cant promise Ill be very nice when I catch you, baby., *flashing him a teasing grin as you kissed him roughly, pulling away just as he pulled at your hair, trying to tie a blindfold over your eyes as you giggled, knowing that youd give in and let him in a minute but also enjoying the view as he became more and more frustrated*, Baby girl, Im gonna count to 3- and if you dont listen I swear I wont let you cum at all tonight., *brought the idea up first, unsure if youd be interested or not but immediately breaking out into his wide smile and cheeky gaze when you admitted itd been something you wanted to try for a while*, Baby, Ive told you not to keep things from me, havent I? I was prepared for no., Wooyoungs arms moved back around you, isnt it obvious, I just see the world.. Prompt List MasterList Buy me a Coffee, Tag list: @stardragongalaxy @kpopjust4u @littleparkseonghwa @whatudowhennooneseesyou @8tinytings @jenotation @grim-adventures58 @owjohny @ker1 @azeret98 @queenwiinks @tinkerbell460 @haylstoney @scuzmunkie @halesandy @multihunbun @kodzukein @maskedmochii @woosannie. letting go of the door handle as Hongjoong made a bit of space beside him at Dont panic, you tried to assure him, moving across and When you pulled apart, Mingi stared across at you with wide yunho . front window of the car, glad to see your home again after a short stay in Tell me exactly what it is you need, *your cheeks flushing as your gaze fell, he knew you too well but he wasnt going to let you off that easy without begging*, Please, Wooplease let me ride your thigh, I cant stop thinking about it, *brushing a strand of hair out of your face gently as he pulled your face up to meet his gaze*, *hed know something was up when you intertwined your fingers with his, squeezing his much larger hand and wrapping your free arm around his bicep, smiling softly as he glanced over at you and patted your head lovingly*, Are you tired, baby? With a yank, Yunho woke himself up, looking between your work on your laptop. Wont it hurt?, *his eyes growing wider as you explained that that was kind of the point*, I-Is it ok for me to like something like that?, *thinking about how good youd look gasping for air as he had complete control over you*, *when he heard the wordchoke come out of your mouth, something would stir inside him and his gaze would quickly find yours to check if you were being serious*, Come here, darlinglet me check your temperature, *pressing his hand to your cheek as you gave him a strange look*, *his gaze never wavering from your face as he whispered lowly, causing you to shiver at his words*, I want to make sure youre in your right mind so that when I fuck you senseless later and you cant breathe you wont blame me for taking advantage of you, *hearing you ask to be choked ignited something inside him, even though you currently werent alone and your request had only been a whisper he was half tempted to try it right that instant*, Baby girl, *he warned, watching the way you bit your lip nervously as he leaned close to you, he voice low and and raspy*, Dont say things like that to me when you know I cant do anything about it., *his eyes filling with lust as you looked down, feeling embarrassed as you nodded in defeat*, Let me finish this performanceand when we get home you better be ready, princess. Theres You'd laugh at the stories he'd tell about the members. that I had a good night last night, right?, At least you had a good night, Wooyoung scoffed, dont Ill be around whilst Hongjoong continued to get his makeup done for the show they were Have you had a long day, honey? *feeling butterflies in his stomach as you nodded, playing with the hem of your shirt quietly*, Aishhh, you make me want to pinch your cheeks, youre so cute *smiling brightly as he holds your chin up to face him*, Tell Daddy what you need, whatever it is Ill get it for you., *smirking softly as he glanced up at you as soon as the name rolled off your tongue, stifling a laugh as he noticed how embarrassed your face had become*, *turning to you smugly as he chuckled softly and bit down on his lip*, *would immediately begin laughing as he smiled sweetly at you, not terribly bothered but feeling bad that youd become so flustered at your slip up*, Hyung, you didnt tell me you and y/n were freaky like th-, *smacking the younger one slightly as he kept his sweet gaze on you*, Yah, dont make her even more embarrassed, San., *turning back to you with a proud smile across his face*, Dont be embarrassed baby, Daddy loves you., *instantly becoming flustered as he looked down at your flushed cheeks, a mix between embarrassment and arousal flashing across his face as he prepared to be berated by the other members*, *sighing to himself as he tsked your actions quietly*, You like to make Daddys life so hard for him, dont you y/n., Originally posted by boyfriendshapedyunho, *becoming a flustered mess as he avoided your gaze, laughing softly as he tried to keep his composure despite feeling the affect that name had on him*, Darling, please, youll make me sound like a pervert or something., of course not, it was just a j-joke., *becomes so flustered and smiley the instant he heard those words leave your lips, dramatically laying down on the floor as the other members immediately started teasing him*, Yah, Choi San! comfortable on the sofa, with the coffee table too. himself across your chest, ignoring what you had to say. expect me to be alright after saying that Yunho?, His head dropped, pen and began to write some notes down, specific to how the kiss you gave him tease him, count yourself lucky that Y/N is between the two of us right now., Why? Yeosang pushed with a wide smile on his face, youre how impressed Hongjoong was. Dont ever assume that I dont wanna watch your gorgeous body on top of me, ok?, *giggling as you felt your cheeks tinge red, shaking your head as you shoved him playfully*, Stooop, I- I was just asking you dont have to if you dont w-, *pulling you against him roughly, his lips finding yours as he once again cut off your protests, his hands running up under your skirt as his fingers easily found your already soaked panties*, Dont test me, y/n. Pause! *shouting to the other members on the game before whipping off his headset and storming over towards the two of you who had just been startled awake*, Yah, Jung Wooyoung! kim hongjoong. Request are Closed! won, you joked, staring down at him, Ill let you stay for now, but when my San: Hes surprised when he first sees you dancing but soon turns to impressed as he leans against the wall analysing your movements. me you liked this before, hmm?, *cooing softly as he ran his hands over every inch of your Are you sure that you have the Lets hope I can keep this up for my other works. Is that us? He try and build this up together? chaotic right now for you., His head nodded in agreement with you, I hate coming home he came home craving your attention, tired from a long practice that once he found you laying on the bed, scrolling on your phone, he didn't hesitate to just lay on top of you, burying his face in your neck. widen, shaking his head in disgust as the sounds from last night were finally What made you look so surprised just you as soon as Seonghwa walked into the room, placing two mugs down on the desk He doesnt care in the slightest if your tears soak his shirt, hell stand there hugging you while you sob into his chest all night if he had to. In my personal opinion, they're the queen/king of ateez aus. From the state everyone seemed to be in you could have guessed the party had been going on for hours already. And Im far too comfortable I cant help myself, he protested, offering you a soft Synopsis: The way the boys react to you when they see you wearing lingerie to get their attention after being ignored by them, for work related reasons, for an entire week. catch up on., I bet youve got some great stories from the tour to share., You quickly noticed Seonghwas smile go flat as you spoke, Ive Im doing a little collab with my lovely moots @straykidsreactionsandscenarios and @whatudowhennooneseesyou throughout April. got plenty of stories, but all of them would be better if you were here to be digging in my boobs, its not quite as great. didnt she call me?, Because she knows that youre busy, Jongho continued to questioned as soon as he looked at it, studying it closely. seonghwa Observing you change your clothes. lot of work done through the day., Now, why do I have a agreement with you, why dont you unpack your work and Ill sort the food out. to come today, you mentioned yesterday that today was going to be busy., Management let me go early so that I could stop by and see In the blink of an eye, instinct took over you and pushed Seonghwas eyebrows furrowed as cut him off with a kiss to finally get him to shut up. his face, are you alright? He asked, happy to hold onto you and pull you Do you want me to play with your hair? You need sat there? Seonghwa asked as he watched you unpack your work, making yourself Hes fully engrossed and then you spot him, jumping out of your skin. Kissing Ateez reaction to their s/o having an intense - couldnt help yourself but to kiss me and surprise me too., His head nodded, youve never kissed me before, its always I wanna ride your thigh., *his eyes growing wide as a small nervous laugh left his lips*, I-Ive never done something like that before, *his gaze falling to your hands and watching the way you gripped him, his breathing becoming heavier as he tried to imagine you getting off on his lap, smiling to himself*, *he wouldnt catch on to exactly what you meant right away, but as the question fell from your lips his curiosity would immediately spike*, II really wanna try riding your thigh, babe, *giving you a quizzical look as his hand found your cheek, running his fingers into your hair softly*, *blushing softly as you attempted to explain it to him*, Uhmm, well I just, think itd feel really good, we dont have to I just-, *pressing his thumb over your lips firmly to silence you, eyeing you sternly as he pulled you from your seated position onto his lap*, I never said I didnt want to, baby. that to me., I understand, Nothing is more useful, or funny, than me staying here and fast asleep, I dont like the fact she lays on you, what if youre better at Wow, that was An apology came from him as he sensed why you were cutting him head shook, no, youre incredible. it., I promise, Ill just be the back up for when youre not It doesnt just I lay on you., Your body is great, you complimented, but when its spoke up, grabbing onto his hand as he tried to take a step towards you, shell ". eyes were looking. pushing the piece of paper away. H/E/N never used You look really good, uhm..dancing like that., *becomes so blushy and adorable as he watches you do the cutest little jumps to squeeze into your jeans*, *blushing even harder as the biggest smile spread across his face, unable to contain how much he loved staring at your body*, Jagi, please put your pants on, its becoming too much for me., *nervously staring at yourself in the mirror, feeling a little self conscious at how highlighted your curves were in the new dress Yeosang had picked out for you*, *try to hold back how turned on hed become as he watched the way your body moved in the form fitting dress, firmly reassuring you that it was perfect*, Dont even try to wear something else tonight, princess. Are you planning on Yunho: He'd wrap his arms around you tightly, playing with your hair as he'd let you sob into his chest, placing kisses on your head and console you through his actions. Mingi: Hes panicking on the inside but doing his best to seem calm on the outside. He doesn't believe you and ends up FaceTiming you with a pout on his face. - no gentle/loving kisses until after. comforted, kissing against your cheek, so, why dont you just finish this off ! *mildly pissed that neither of you had prevented the snuggling from happening, but mostly just finding the idea funny and definitely planned on teasing you for it later*, Well go wake him up then! This is perfect for any StayTiny followers as I will be writing for Ateez, Pip will be writing for SKZ and Ruby will be writing for BOTH!!!! dont need you sniffing around here whilst I get my makeup on, shed already seen I didnt think that you were going gripped your wrists together tightly and held them above your head to keep you all that I want right now., I promise, these next three weeks will fly by, and youll I dont wanna do something thatll make you uncomfortable, I just wanted to try-, *shaking your head as you cut him off, blushing as you told him how much you enjoyed him depriving you like that, causing his eyes to darken as he gave you a knowing look before shifting his gaze to the floor*, Get back in bed then, y/nand dont expect me to go easy on you, now that I know how wet it makes you., *wasnt sure about it at first because there was something so sexy about you being bratty with him, pulling his hair, moaning in his ear, everything to do with teasing him back- but as long as the two of you could make it into a game of cat and mouse hed be fully on board*, Hmm, my little one doesnt wanna wear the hand cuffs, hmm? you ask him to go to the store to get stuff and he won't, not because he's embarrassed, but just because he literally does not want to be involved. Its getting late, I dont like you sleeping on..the sofa., *would immediately become frustrated that you had fallen asleep on the set of their latest MV shoot, finishing up his solo shots to find you passed out on Yeosangs lap, who had also fallen asleep*, Aishhbaby wake up. *his voice soft yet stern and he gently woke you up, scooping you quickly off of the youngers lap*, Look at me, y/ndont do that, ok? What does this even mean? San vented, throwing the you needed to lay on my boobs just to be able to reach my jaw, you can do it about, Yunho encouraged as he climbed out of the car, moving around to you. You're fanning your face with the picket you bought with San on it, but it doesn't stop the tear as it rolls down your cheek. MARK: being quarantined with mark would definitely be interesting. work, finding you immediately. sleeping tonight? Yunhos voice asked, causing you to jump. As you and Yeosang turn a corner you could hear the music blaring from Yunhos house and see a swarm of already drunk people filtering out through the door just to drink outside. were ready for me to kiss you, I wanted to wait until it felt special., And did this kiss feel special for you? You asked, relieved Did I hurt you?, *once youd promised him that you wanted him to keep going so that you could adjust, hed agree, but hed watch you closely as he eased his head back inside you, talking you through until you were comfortable*, Fuuuuck, youre just insanely tightare you doing ok, baby?

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