health assessment quizlet exam 1

Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT B) "David, I am here to ask you questions about your illness; we want to determine what is wrong." A) Alert and oriented Health Assessment exam 2 - 1- When assessing the abdomen, the nurse performs the following - Studocu Assignments when assessing the abdomen, the nurse performs the following examination techniques. *C) The humors must be balanced. *Communication* carries you and the patient through the interview. *, ___ in every ___ residents belongs to a *group other than single-race, non-Hispanic White. Table of Contents This list of brief health assessment questions is organized by behavior or risk and sorted alphabetically. Empathy is therapeutic; sympathy is nontherapeutic. Feedback: INCORRECT I just did Caplan and flash cards. Phys. In the yin/yang theory, health is believed to exist when all aspects of the person are in perfect balance. (2) A focused (or problem-centered) database is used for a limited Category: Health Show Health (4) Using avoidance language, A) Episodic Before determining whether cultural practices are helpful, harmful, or neutral, nurses must first understand: * A) distancing language. (1) *introduction*, C) the response of the whole person to actual or potential problems. *, *Heritage consistency* is the degree to which *a person's lifestyle reflects his or her traditional heritage. D) the heritage of the patient. *B) crepitation in the left knee joint. Reflection is repeating part of what the person has just said. *Cultural conflicts* between nurses and patients from diverse backgrounds are related to *different time and relationship perceptions*. C) English proficiency is associated with a lower quality of care. Which theory has been expanded in an attempt to study the degree to which a person's lifestyle reflects his or her traditional heritage? Questions marked with are suitable for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) health risk assessment. Third-level priority problems are those that are import to the patient's health but can be addressed after more urgent health problems are addressed. D) food intolerance C) Emergency C) "Why did you wait so long to make an appointment?" (3) *closing. Inspect mouth: pushed tongue right with tongue blade. The patient may not share personal feelings if fear is experienced. A) a determination of the etiology of disease. In the United States, about __ in __ people are *immigrants*. Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT Remember that the *impact or burden of a disease* may be more important to an older adult than the actual disease diagnosis or pathology. An episodic database is for a limited or short-term problem; this database concerns mainly one problem, one cue complex, or one body system. Chapter 8 - Assessment Techniques and Clinical Setting *B) a personal effort to find meaning and *purpose in life. a. Peds Exam 1 - Professor Lewis, Pediatric Exam 1 Notes; Ch11 - Ch11_Solutions Manual_9ed; Physio Ex Exercise 9 Activity 4; A&P II Chapter 21 Circulatory System, Blood Vessels . D) stand next to the patient to convey a professional demeanor. A) hearing loss Feedback: INCORRECT *Feedback: CORRECT* C) Adolescents Feedback: CORRECT* You can use different *types of verbal responses* to assist the narrative and help gather data. With this question, the nurse is seeking information about: Starting at ___ years of age, the interviewer asks the child directly about his or her presenting symptoms. An example of objective data is: Nursing diagnoses are clinical judgments about a person's response to an actual or potential health state. B) reduce noise by turning the volume on the television or radio down. The second largest population is _____ followed by ____, _____, _____, _____, and _____. * *Feedback: CORRECT* This type of question or statement will elicit a short, one- or two-word answer, a yes or no response, or a forced choice. Which of the following statements, if made by the interviewer, would be an appropriate response? Feedback: INCORRECT A) review previous medical records. What symptom is greatly influenced by a person's cultural heritage? What is the yin/yang theory of health? In the United States, about *one* in *eight* people are *immigrants. *complete health history data category 7. *C) Emergency* By combining this subjective data with objective data from the physical examination and diagnostic tests, you create a database to make a judgment about the person's health status. When obtaining a *child's health history*, use the same structure you would use for an adult, but make pertinent modifications or additions. The interview has *three phases*: B) the nature or character of the headache. "* *A) Infants* D) minorities tend to be older than non-Hispanic white populations. B) crepitation in the left knee joint. Feedback: INCORRECT *Nonverbal communications convey messages* from the sender to the receiver. Sympathy is a social affinity in which one person stands with another person, closely understanding his or her feelings. B) substance use and abuse. Feedback: INCORRECT Ethnicity pertains to a social group within the social system that claims to possess variable traits. Feedback: INCORRECT *Feedback: CORRECT* A nursing diagnosis is best described as: Questions should move from expected and less-threatening questions to those that are more personal. A) set the room temperature between 64 and 66 F. *complete health history data category 3.*. Nonverbal communication is the primary form of communication method for infants. Write an explanation of how Paul shows his growing self-awareness and confidence in the choices he makes. C) Emergency Feedback: INCORRECT *complete health history data category 7.*. A) an evaluation of past and present health state of each body system. C) used to evaluate cause and etiology of disease. 3. focused or problem-oriented. What is the yin/yang theory of health? *Feedback: CORRECT* In this situation, the nurse's verbal interpretation: *D) Reliability of informant steps of health assessment: - collection of subjective data. *Feedback: CORRECT* Your silent attentiveness communicates that the patient has time to think, to organize what he or she wishes to say without interruption from you. Medical diagnoses are used to evaluate the etiology (cause) of disease. D) 11. D) Health exists when there is optimal functioning. *complete health history data category 8.*. *CAGE* test is a screening questionnaire to identify excessive or uncontrolled drinking, such as: (2) A *focused (or problem-centered) database* is used for a limited or short-term problem. A) physical findings, such as skin appearance, to support historic data. While evaluating the health history, the nurse determines that the patient subscribes to the hot/cold theory of health. - Studocu good notes to help understand health assessment practicum quiz study online at be to what is important to your patient. - The parents' description of the present problem, Crepitation is assessed by palpation. D) stand next to the patient to convey a professional demeanor. Which of the following will most likely describe this patient's view of wellness? - A prenatal and perinatal history, * Subjective data is what the person says about himself or herself during history taking. A) complaints of left knee pain. * A complete data base is: The nurse questions the reliability of the history provided by the patient. And I never even used the ATI to study for the NCLEX. B) sympathetic language. A) Good is hot. Nursing diagnoses are used to evaluate the response of the whole person to actual or potential health problems. Which problem is a first-level priority? A two-person interaction usually has two roles: *sender and receiver*. D) recommend folk practices that are dangerous. For a well person, briefly note the general state of health. B) Cognition and literacy level Education is a form of socialization. Spirituality is a personal effort to find purpose and meaning in life. Feedback: INCORRECT C) Health exists in the absence of illness. 1. Feedback: INCORRECT 2. Planning - Establish priorities, set timelines for outcomes. B) Follow-up C) symptoms. ATI is big on assessment and "which patient would you see first" kinds of questions. B) the Hispanic population tends to be older. B) sympathetic language. A) affects the nurse-physician relationship. *Third-level priority problems* are important to the patient's health, but can be addressed after more urgent problems. A) unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. Students also viewed ATI questions 231 Exam 2 study guide - exam 2 nsg3450 Mental Health Exam 3 - nsg3450 2. ongoing or partial. Your response *focuses on the patient's frame of reference.*. School-age children (starting at age 7) have the verbal ability to add important data to the history. B) crepitation in the left knee joint. HEALTH ASSESSMENT EXAM 1 PRACTICE QUESTIONS 4.7 (12 reviews) Term 1 / 45 1. C) the process of being raised within a culture. Obtaining a heritage assessment helps gather data that are accurate and meaningful and can guide culturally sensitive and appropriate care. Chapter 9 - General Survey, Measurement, Vital Signs A follow-up database is used to follow up short-term or chronic health problems; the statuses of identified problems are evaluated at regular and appropriate intervals. - *E* Eye-opener - Do you drink in the morning (i.e. Modify communication techniques based on each *patient's developmental stage,* including parents, infants, young children, adolescents, and older adults. Range of motion is assessed by inspection. D) stressors, coping mechanisms, and change in past year. *, *One* in every *three* residents belongs to a *group other than single-race, non-Hispanic White.*. A discrete area of knowledge for cultural competence is understanding of ones own heritage, the heritage of the nursing profession, the heritage of the patient, and the heritage of the health care system. On-Going or Partial Assessment 3. C) their personal belief models. * Second, note the *source of the history*, which is usually the patient, but may be someone else, such as a relative or interpreter. Feedback: INCORRECT D) "Because so many people have already asked you questions, I will just get the information from the chart." Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's ethnic or cultural group is more important or superior. In addition, there should be a note of any special circumstances, such as the use of an interpreter. *Reflection. Chapter 23 - Neurologic System. *C) the presence or absence of all symptoms under the system heading. Crepitation is assessed by palpating. C) 9 According to the biomedical model, a narrow definition of health is: C) Congruence mechanism A) 5 *D) the cause of disease. A) used to rapidly collect data and is often compiled concurrently with life-saving measures. Feedback: INCORRECT A) a determination of the etiology of disease. E) the heritage of the health care system. B) a documentation of the problem as perceived by the patient. During a skin assessment, the nurse notices that a Mexican-American patient has skin that is yellowish- brown; however, the skin on the hard and soft palate is pink and the patients scleras are not yellow. * First, collect *biographic data*, such as the patient's name, address, and date of birth as well as language and communication needs. (4) it is *dynamic* and ever changing. C) the Asian population tends to be younger. B) personal response to stress. *C) interview the youth alone with a parent in the waiting area. A) unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. Feedback: INCORRECT A) ask the child, before the caretaker, about symptoms. Exam (elaborations) - Shadow health focused exam:uti with antibiotic sensitivity (subjective data+medicatio. An example of an open-ended question or statement is: *C) Impaired gas exchange* With this question, the nurse is seeking information about: The reason for seeking care is a statement in the person's own words that describes the reason for the visit. You *assess factors related to heritage* to determine the depth to which you and the patient identify with a traditional heritage, that is, the cultural beliefs and practices of the family, extended family, and an ethnoreligious community. Many also speak and *understand little or no English. Emergency Assessment To determine the patient's perception of pain, the nurse would determine the meaning of the symptom by asking how it affects daily activities and what the patient thinks the pain means. *Feedback: CORRECT* Empathy means viewing the world from the other person's inner frame of reference. Also briefly *summarize what you learned* during the interview. (1) Providing false assurance or reassurance, The CAGE test is a screening questionnaire that helps to identify: B) the beliefs of the patients family. D) environmental hazards. Chapter 11 - Nutritional Assessment C) "Why did you wait so long to make an appointment?" Beverages, foods, herbs, medicines, and diseases are classified as hot or cold according to their perceived effects on the body, not on their physical characteristics. *D) a concise statement of actual or potential health concerns or level of wellness. C) "Mr. Jones, is it okay if I ask you several questions this morning about your health?" The room temperature should be set at a comfortable level; a temperature between 64 and 66 F is too cool. Functional assessment includes questions on substance use and abuse. after the nurse inspects the client's abdomen, which of the following skills of the physical examination process should she perform next? D) Complete. Chapter 14 - Eyes Health Assessment Exam 1 Notes - HEALTH ASSESSMENT EXAM 1 NOTES Chapter 4 The Complete Health - Studocu Comprehensive review of Nursing Health Assessment Exam 1 for Professor Saifman. From a biomedical perspective, health is defined as the absence of disease or elimination of symptoms and signs of disease. This option is not within the context of the interview. The health history will assess lifestyle, including such factors as exercise, diet, risk reduction, and health promotion behaviors. 03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT. Refer to feedback in option B. - Touch. C) an individual's perception of health. * Objective data is gathered by what the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating, and auscultating during the physical examination. Feedback: INCORRECT *C) excessive or uncontrollable drinking. * Use this when the person's word choice is ambiguous or confusing (e.g., "Tell me what you mean by 'tired blood.' * The perceived causes of illness and symptoms can be culturally based and may be viewed as *biomedical* (or scientific), *naturalistic* (or holistic), or *magicoreligious*. C) excessive or uncontrollable drinking. Which of the following is included in documenting a history source? The instructor determines that the teaching was successful when the students identify which of the following as the overall purpose? *D) "Tell me what you mean by 'bad blood'. C) family history *Feedback: CORRECT* - validation of data. Euphemisms are used to avoid reality or to hide feelings. Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT (3) And choice of *healers.*. Feedback: INCORRECT *C) helps the patient understand personal feelings in relation to his or her verbal message. *Spirituality* is borne out of each person's unique life experience and his or her personal effort to find purpose and meaning in life. Clarification also is used to summarize the person's words, simplify the words to make them clearer, and then ask if you are on the right track. C) An earache . This response is an inappropriate communication technique referred to as giving unwanted advice. B) cultural and ethnic values. The Asian population was younger with a median age of 35.4 years, and about 26% of the Asian population was younger than 18 years old. You share factual and objective information. The nurse should ask the patient which question? B) use nonverbal communication. Recording physical findings in the review of systems is incorrect; review of systems is limited to the patient statements or subjective data. Religious beliefs may influence the person's: Religious beliefs may influence the person's: Additions include: When obtaining a *child's health history*, use the same structure you would use for an adult, but make pertinent modifications or additions. C) use short, simple, concrete sentences. I found just doing flash cards on the topics related to the ATI test helped me. Test Bank - Physical Examination and Health Assessment 8e (by Jarvis) 161. *Empathy* means viewing the world from the other person's inner frame of reference while remaining yourself. Health depends on all these factors working together. Which problem is a first-level priority? Minorities tend to be younger than non-Hispanic white populations. Every examiner needs to collect *four kinds of databases* based on the situation. B) reduce noise by turning the volume on the television or radio down. An emergency database is rapid collection of the data often obtained concurrently with lifesaving measures. A) Appearance, dress, and hygiene A medical diagnosis is used to evaluate: C) ask the patient if there is someone who could verify information. The interpretation by the nurse will improve communication. C) clarification. Using direct language is the best way to deal with frightening topics instead of using avoidance language. Feedback: INCORRECT When preparing the physical setting for an interview, the interviewer should: * This response echoes the patient's words. B) the Hispanic population tends to be older. Medical diagnoses determine the etiology (or cause) of disease. B) own and operate specialty community clinics. * A) participating in religious services on a regular basis. A) an optimal functioning of mind, body, and spirit within the environment. The Hispanic population was much younger, with a median age of 27.6 years, and about one-third of the Hispanic population was younger than 18 years old. When taking an *older adult's health history*, also ask additional questions. D) stressors, coping mechanisms, and change in past year. * Third, obtain the *reason for seeking care*, formerly known as the chief complaint. C) English proficiency is associated with a lower quality of care. B) "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?" What information is included in greater detail when taking a health history on an infant? D) relieving factors. *PQRSTU* stands for *P*rovocative or palliative, *Q*uality or quantity, *R*egion or radiation, *S*everity scale, *T*iming, and *U*nderstanding the patient's perception of the problem. Interpretation also ascribes feelings and helps the person understand his or her own feelings in relation to the verbal message. (1) The usual and expected *developmental tasks* for each age group This is a closed or direct question. "). Health Assessment - Exam 3 Review Questions Flashcards Health (4 days ago) WebHealth Assessment - Exam 3 Review Questions 5.0 (3 reviews) Term 1 / 69 The wife of a 65-year-old client tells the nurse that she is concerned because she has noticed a . D) objective data that supports the history of present illness. A) reflection. Feedback: INCORRECT Health Assessment (NUR 2092) The United States Supreme Court (POLUA333) Values Based Leadership (D253) Managing Projects And Programs (BUS 5611) Newest Marketing Management (D174) Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461) Professional Capstone Project (PSY-495) Theology (104) The concept of health also includes health promotion and disease prevention. What are the four kinds of databases? Health assessment also should consider what two other factors? (4) An *emergency database* calls for rapid collection of data, which commonly occurs while performing lifesaving measures. The book/lab manual also have some practice questions that are very similar if you would like extra practice. Chest Pain Management Case Summary The patient has also had some palpitations. 30 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. Framework for Health Assessment in Nursing 1. 1. initial comprehensive. NURSINGTB. Closed or direct questions and statements ask for specific information. 03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT. The CAGE test is a screening questionnaire that helps to identify: Feedback: INCORRECT 7/29/2020 Health Assessment Exam 1 Jarvis Flashcards | Quizlet 8/25 using language wernickes aphasia receptive aphasia, linguistic opposite of broca, person can hear sounds and words but cannot relate them to previous experiences delirium an acute confusional state, potentially preventable in hospitalized persons dementia a chronic progressive loss of cognition and intellectual functions .

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