rate of infection synonym

The number of stillbirths (in which the gestation period was 28 weeks or more) in the first 7 days of life divided by the number of live births plus stillbirths in the same year. biologic transmission see transmission, biologic. The number of deaths per year of live-born infants less than 1 year of age divided by the number of live births in the same year. is that data on the average age of infection is very easily obtainable, even if not all cases of the disease are reported. A normal resting heart rate for an adult is 60100 beats per minute. y-axis the vertical axis of a rectangular graph, usually displaying the dependent variable (e.g., frequency number, proportion, or rate). Infection control and hospital epidemiology are akin to public health practice, practiced within the confines of a particular health-care delivery system rather than directed at society as a whole.Infection control addresses factors related to the spread of infections within the healthcare setting, whether among patients, from patients to staff, contribucin municipal, impuestos municipales, , . effectiveness the ability of an intervention or program to produce the intended or expected results in the field. infection rates. It is used as a test of airway obstruction. It increases, for example, in hyperthyroidism. inflection, injection, infectious, infect. heart rate or heart rhythm problems, chest pain or discomfort, pain or tingling in the hands or feet, and fatigue. Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Simulated anthrax attacks and syndromic surveillance, Rise in HCV infection rates linked to OxyContin reformulation, Can pin-site infection be prevented? continuous variable see variable, continuous. mortality rate a measure of the frequency of occurrence of death among a defined population during a specified time interval. box plot a visual display that summarizes data by using a box and whiskers format to indicate the minimum and maximum values (ends of the whiskers), interquartile range (length of the box), and median (line through the box). The code for attribution links is required. Populations are followed, and disease, death, or other health-related outcomes are documented and compared. Easily, or capable of being, transmitted to others contagious communicable catching transmittable transmissible spreading infective pestilent transferable pestilential pandemic epidemic epizootic virulent spreadable catchable contaminating conveyable mephitic vitiating catchy pestiferous taking endemic communicative pernicious uncontrollable These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. portal of exit a pathway by which an agent can leave its host. study, cohort an observational analytic study in which enrollment is based on status of exposure to a certain factor or membership in a certain group. scale, ratio a measurement scale consisting of quantitative categories whose values are intervals with a true zero point (e.g., height in centimeters or duration of illness). bank accounts paying above the average rate of interest. active surveillance see surveillance, active. CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. incidence rates. EMAILS SHOW THE MEATPACKING INDUSTRY DRAFTED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER TO KEEP PLANTS OPEN, TRAINED IMMUNITY OFFERS HOPE IN FIGHT AGAINST CORONAVIRUS, WEARING A MASK COULD PROTECT YOU FROM COVID-19 IN MORE WAYS THAN YOU THINK, EUROPE OVERTAKES U.S. AS COVID-19 HOTSPOT AS INFECTIONS SURGE, TIMES OF STRIFE CAN LEAD TO MEDICAL INNOVATIONWHEN GOVERNMENTS ARE WILLING, THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIAS COVID SURGE CONTINUES, WITH 1,400 CASES REPORTED THIS WEEK. Synonym: Noninflammatory Retina Disease. For COVID-19, symptoms appear 2-14 days after infection. dose-response association between an exposure and health outcome that varies in a consistently increasing or decreasing fashion as the amount of exposure (dose) increases. reservoir the habitat in which an infectious agent normally lives, grows, and multiplies, which can include humans, animals, or the environment. incidence rate a measure of the frequency with which new cases of illness, injury, or other health condition occur, expressed explicitly per a time frame. A white blood cell (WBC) count measures the number of white blood cells in a sample of blood. Infant mortality rate is a universally accepted indicator of the health of a nations population and the adequacy of its health-care system. infant mortality rate see mortality rate, infant. epidemiology, applied the application or practice of epidemiology to control and prevent health problems. Surgical site infection rate in India has varies from 2.5% to 41.9%. Search. Each cause of death is expressed as a percentage of all deaths, and the sum of the proportionate mortality for all causes must equal 100%. NHANES The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a representative survey of the civilian, noninstitutionalized US population conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics, designed to (1) estimate the proportion of the US population and designated groups with selected disease and risk factors; (2) monitor trends in selected behaviors, exposures, and diseases; and (3) study the associations among diet, nutrition, and health. It is a major global health problem. latency period the time from exposure to a causal agent to onset of symptoms of a (usually noninfectious) disease (see also incubation period). life expectancy a statistical projection of the average number of years a person of a given age is expected to live, if current mortality rates continue to apply. mortality rate, sex-specific a mortality rate among either males or females. Columns are drawn so that their bases equal the class intervals (i.e., so that columns of adjacent intervals touch), and their heights correspond to the class frequencies. study, observational a study in which the investigator observes rather than influences exposure and disease among participants. indirect transmission see transmission, indirect. The rate at which hair grows can be agonisingly slow. Good synonyms? surveillance, active public health surveillance in which the health agency solicits reports. scale, interval a measurement scale consisting of quantitative categories whose values are measured on a scale of equally spaced units, but without a true zero point (e.g., date of birth). A confirmed case is "a person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection" as the World Health Organization (WHO) explains. The findings come as the efficacy of. Infection. Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/infection. 'Hiemal,' 'brumation,' & other rare wintry words. The line graph shows there were 37,800 new HIV infections in 2015, 37,900 in 2016, 36,700 in 2017, 36,200 in 2018, and 34,800 in 2019. Normal, bell-shaped distributions are symmetrical; the mean, median, and mode are the same. source (of infection) the person, animal, object, or substance from which an infectious agent is transmitted to a host. class interval the span of values of a continuous variable that are grouped into a single category (see also class), usually to create a frequency distribution for that variable. The rate of occurrence of positive test results in those who do not have the attribute or disease for which they are being tested. descriptive epidemiology see epidemiology, descriptive. syndrome a combination of symptoms characteristic of a disease or health condition; sometimes refers to a health condition without a clear cause (e.g., chronic fatigue syndrome). cause, component a factor that contributes to a sufficient cause (see also cause, sufficient). {\displaystyle \beta } false-negative a negative test result for a person who actually has the condition similarly, a person who has the disease (perhaps mild or variant) but who does not fit the case definition, or a patient or outbreak not detected by a surveillance system. case-patient in a case-control study, a person who has the disease, injury, or other health condition that meets the case definition (see also case). 10 other terms for infection rates- words and phrases with similar meaning. immunity, active resistance developed in response to an antigen (i.e., an infecting agent or vaccine), usually characterized by the presence of antibody produced by the host. Antibiotic resistance is one of the leading issues in modern healthcare due to the inability to treat common infections with available antibiotics. Objectives In late December 2022, rates of mortality in France (over 2,500 daily deaths) have reached levels not seen since April 2020, with the most pronounced increase in mortality recorded in nursing homes. the speed or frequency with which an event or circumstance occurs per unit of time, population, or other standard of comparison. Synonyms for infection rate - infection rate, incidence rate, morbidity and others. ITS THE MASS DEATH. attribute a risk factor that is an intrinsic characteristic of the individual person, animal, plant, or other type of organism under study (e.g., genetic susceptibility, age, sex, breed, weight). {\displaystyle \lambda } The number of cases per year of certain diseases in relation to the size of the population in which they occur. P value the probability of observing an association between two variables or a difference between two or more groups as large or larger than that observed, if the null hypothesis were true. Which area in the Western Hemisphere has the highest HIV, The coauthors of the report published in Health Affairs found that hepatitis C, (20) This trial found no significant difference in, In a nationwide Canadian study, (1) researchers aimed to determine repeat HCV, Objective: The objective of this study was to determine if a disposable draping system is superior to reusable draping material in prevention of ICEDIs and hence lowering of the, Consider using non-sterile gloves during minor skin excisions (even those that require sutures) because the, In understanding the transmission dynamics in area-specific malaria epidemiological studies, the determination of Plasmodium sporozoite, A FREE screening service in Coventry has been rolled out by a sexual health charity to slash the HIV. sentences. Emma Thorne Drugs used to target HER2-positive invasive breast cancer may also be successful in treating women in the first stages of the disease, researchers at The University of Vad r kursen fr att vxla till ? vehicle an inanimate object that can carry an agent from a reservoir to a susceptible host (e.g., food, water, blood products, and bedding) (see also transmission, indirect). Seizure. syndromic surveillance see surveillance, syndromic. Delivered to your inbox! Synonyms for 'Rate of infection'. 1 vote. is given by: where A safe and effective vaccine that offers 98% to 100% protection against hepatitis B is available. Infection rate synonyms What is another word for Infection rate? immunity, herd the resistance to an infectious agent of an entire group or community (and, in particular, protection of susceptible persons) as a result of a substantial proportion of the population being immune to the agent. scale, ordinal a measurement scale consisting of qualitative categories whose values have a distinct order but no numerical distance between their possible values (e.g., stage of cancer, I, II, III, or IV). The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has impelled many countries all over the world to institute sweeping measures to help reduce infection rates and ultimately its utter elimination. From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: The speed or frequency of occurrence of an event, usually expressed with respect to time or some other known standard. The rate of occurrence of negative test results in those who have the attribute or disease for which they are being tested. The number of maternal deaths in 1 year from puerperal causes (such as those associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium) within 42 days after delivery divided by the number of live births in that same year. demographic information personal characteristics of a person or group (e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity, residence, and occupation) demographic information is used in descriptive epidemiology to characterize patients or populations. In this case, trial, randomized clinical a clinical trial in which persons are randomly assigned to exposure or treatment groups. endemic the constant presence of an agent or health condition within a given geographic area or population; can also refer to the usual prevalence of an agent or condition. The rate of becoming infected ( class limits the values at the upper and lower ends of a class interval. epidemiology the study of the distribution and determinants of health conditions or events among populations and the application of that study to control health problems. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had great societal and health consequences. See: The average airflow during the middle half of a forced vital capacity effort. No, I disagree. 0 votes. ( ( , , . Most didn't develop a fever. Data from these systems are used to learn about health status, health care, provision and use of services, and the impact of services and programs on health. The terms Prevalence rates and Rate of prevalence might have synonymous (similar) meaning. This is true regardless of whether they have shown symptoms of COVID-19 or not. infectivity the ability of an infectious agent to cause infection, measured as the proportion of persons exposed to an infectious agent who become infected.

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