who is jill abbott's biological mother

Abbott is somewhat eccentric, enthusiastic, dreamy and a bit in her own world. Phyllis explained that they were in love and she was divorcing Jack, then in time the world would see her and Billy together and accept it. Later, Cane Ashby (Daniel Goddard) came to town pretending to be Phillip Chancellor 3, as part of a deal hed worked out with Phillip the third, remind Young and the Restless spoilers history. Having completed the required legal procedures, Neil and Drucilla adopted Devon, making the adult man their legal son. Out of the blue in 2003, Liz arrived in Genoa City with Snapper and Greg from their home in England with the news that she was to undergo brain surgery. Abby had too much drink and bashed Sharon for marrying Nick again because Sharon married Adam Nick, Abby's father Victor, Nick againetc. And drop by Soap Dirt to get even more Young and the Restless spoilers. Jill hired con man Rex Sterling to seduce Kay, but then decided she wanted the guy for herself. Kay's will was read, and Brock received one percent of her billion-dollar-plus assets in trust to continue his good works and was named Chairman of the Chancellor Foundation. Kay escaped, but the roommate's body was identified as Kay because she was wearing Kay's ring. Is Y&R preparing to celebrate its 50th anniversary by killing off [SPOILER]? Ronan and Chance met them outside. Lily walked out the front door and saw them fighting. Lily then had a restraining order served against Colin. An appraisal confirmed the value of the necklace at eighteen million dollars and Colin claimed it was communal property. Going through boxes in the attic, they were able to piece together that Katherine's father Walter Shepard had been an Army intelligence officer in WWII. Cane made a deal to move Brash & Sassy into the now-vacant Jabot lab, too near to Phyllis. After hearing the story from Jack about Billy being in the SUV with Adam when it crashed and burned, Jill checked in with Billy at the hospital. But her guilt over abandoning him as a baby got the best of her, and she backed off. In June 2010, Jills mother Liz returned to Genoa City to see Jill, but was carried off the plane on a stretcher, accompanied by Snapper. Jill remembered that Cane had known Samantha, and asked how it could be then that Colin did not know Cane. Jill returned home with the news that she had spoken to Lauren as Snapper and Greg were preparing to leave since Liz had requested no services to be held. Abby refused to believe it, went to Spain herself and returned with Chance, very much alive. Upon Phillip's return, he was met at the airport by Kay, who offered to drive him home. Katherine was touched and handed her a tip as she left a check for $100,000 to pay her taxes. She had an affair with Victor Newman, but realizing he was never going to marry her, returned to John and they tied the knot again. Devon was eventually accused of murdering her, and he worked desperately to find his wife, and clear his name. Devon decides to take a map and try to find help for everyone. Devon is anxious to have Hilary in his life and she tries to talk about them, until Hilary shuts him down and asks him to leave. And Chelsea Lawson's his biological mom. At her worst, Jill was there for Cane who she still considers a son, and Neil realized how much Cane really loved her, then as she began to recover they decided to start looking for a surrogate rather than wait until Lily would be strong enough to carry their child. Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) previously stated that Locke tried to destroy his father's business. General Hospital Spoilers: Esme Sabotages Trina & Spencer's Romance Billy confronted Chloe the next day accusing her of just wanting to bag a Chancellor. Jill briefly dated William Bardwell, and then Ji Min Kim, whose murder left her devastated. Jill was furious and perplexed by the music box. She later woke up handcuffed to a bed, hearing the music box playing, and recognized her captor as they entered the door. During a snowstorm, Elena got stuck at Devon's, where they rehashed the events surrounding their breakup. Jack has barely ever mentioned Keemo in years, but Kyle (Michael Mealor) is still on his mind because at least he sees him on a semi-regular basis and was a recent "The Young and the Restless" leading man. And later it was revealed that Victor Newman was the heir to Chancellor Industries, and he merged it with Newman after getting it away from Adam. Neil eventually collapses but not long after he is found by a rescue worker. Despite what she feels for Neil, Hilary knows that she loves Devon. Ronan turned Colin's books over to the FBI to try to decipher their code. Kay, also trying to get something on Tucker to get Chancellor back, discovered that Tucker paid off Alexander Thomas, the Cultural Minister of Yugoslavia with a Griffin painting worth millions to promote the band 25 years ago which launched his career. By July, Jill was summoned back to town by Esther who had been awakened in the middle of the night by Kyle Abbott digging up Philips grave. Billy is currently in a relationship with Lily Winters, which may or may not add to the Abbott family tree. Bond Gideon (1980) In exchange for a kiss, Colin revealed that Katherine had stuck a note in the music box for Jill to find, but Colin had removed it. Kyle moved to Italy to be with his new wife, Summer Newman Abbott (Hunter King), who has a job with an Italian design firm. Since then, Traci has gone on as a single woman making her way in the world as a successful romance novelist. Colin's diplomatic immunity no longer got him off since they had discovered that his ambassadorship was phony. She was portrayed by Teri Garr. John and Billy moved to New York and Jill was left to battle with Katherine once again. Per Katherine's instructions, Jill and Nikki arranged a celebration of life to be held in a park at Lake Delaney. But Cane slipped out while they were welcoming Nina's son Phillip I (who now is called Chance) who returned from Iraq unexpectedly finding his supposedly dead father as part of his welcome home. It wasn't until weeks later, and after he'd agreed to sell NVP to Nikki, that Victor discovered Jack had sold Jabot to Katherine, so he had lost his leverage over Jack. Spokesperson pushes back on Coloma rumors, use of the word fired, Sonya Eddy, GH's Epiphany Johnson, has died, Family affair: Heather Stevens, Lucy Romalotti set to visit Genoa City in February. Nick and Sharon arrived, and Sharon met with Mr. Mitsukoshi himself and secured the exclusive rights for Newman because of their prior relationship when she had been the Beauty of Nature spokesperson. Devon's funding stipulated that Colin was not allowed to be any part of the company. This prompted Jill to give in and go say goodbye to her son Billy when, instead of going to college, he left for Louisiana to help Mac's father, Brock, build houses for the poor. Most of the run-ins don't end well, as Hilary continues pretending that she was only out for revenge. The necklace disappeared before Jill had a chance to insure it, but it turned up on granddaughter Matty's neck, and was returned to Jill. So, that makes Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) his great-uncle. However, Devon found that he was actually quite attracted to Tyra. The wedding was held on the beautiful grounds of the villa with Abby as maid of honor, Devon as best man, and Neil giving away the bride. And even some longtime fans might enjoy a quick refresher! Jill is the birth daughter of Neil Fenmore and Unknown woman. When it finally came back to her, Kay was forced to reveal to Jill that she had switched her son Phillip for another baby shortly after his birth, and had given a woman named Violet an expensive ring to secure the deal. Her doctor found scarring of the uterus after her miscarriage left her unable to carry a baby. While Jill remained wary of this hot younger man and his motives, he managed to sweep her off her feet. Colin threatened Cane that he would use Canes secrets to persuade him to return, saying that Katherine should know that Cane was embezzling money from Tucker, and Jill that he was Colins son. Billy's other half-brother Jack convinced him to move back to Genoa City and help him get Jabot back into the Abbott family, and get back at Cane for usurping his life, by going to work at Jabot again. Genevieve turned over Colin's books, and Colin was deported. While visiting his mother Gloria in jail, Kevin met the woman posing as Kay Chancellor. Jack_Abbott Daniel Romalotti sketched a picture of Kay which was framed on her casket. Genevieve had found Cane, and he let everyone believe that Cane was dead, and began working with Genevieve plotting to have Colin be arrested for kidnapping the twins to finally get some justice for Samantha. They slept together a few times and Jill assumed she would certainly be the next Mrs. Victor Newman. All of Katherine's loved ones had words to say about her, Jill among them. But not long afterward, Tucker left Genoa City. Devon was conned out of his money, but he eventually got it back. When Cane's father, Colin Atkinson, came to town, he started wooing Jill almost immediately. Katherine's book of memoirs "Live Until I Die" came out in time for Christmas 2008. Victoria and Jill hovered over a comatose Billy who had injuries to his cervical spine and direct trauma to his skull. Jill was still skeptical, but Kay was determined to take a leap of faith and marry Arthur anyway. After she cheated on him with his son, Jack Abbott, John dumped her and she sued Jack for sexual harassment. She soon became smitten and accepted a proposal of marriage. However, many weeks later Devon and Roxanne reunited. He went on anxiety medication to help him cope. Kay tried to assure Jill that she still loved her like a daughter, and that nothing needed to change, but Jill was having none of it, accusing Kay of marrying "trailer trash" just like she scorned Jill for being, so they ended up in a wedding cake fight at Billy and Chloe's wedding over it. Devon is in denial, but his denial turns to heartbreak when Hilary sticks to her story, even after Neil leaves the room. Jill asked Esther to bring in the turkey, but Esther had not made anything because Jill had told her she was taking care of all the details. So, you can see that Chance Chancellor has deep ties to the character canvas and legacy families. Jill liked Kay as well, and was very supportive in Kay's struggle with alcohol. Jill was left to care for Kay who could not move or talk from the stroke. Days of Our Lives Finally Found a Worthy Successor to Stefano But Are We About to Get an Exit None of Us Saw Coming. Shocked to find Jill working there, Jill explained while she did Kay's nails. TPTB can call her character Barbara Harris Mergeron as in Dina Abbott Mergeron's sister-in-law. Hard as it was to admit to herself that Colin was a conman who continually lied to her, Jill told Colin that she loved him but realized that helping to trap him for the police was the right thing to do. Jill had Arthur investigated, but it only proved allegations were made but never proven, and Arthur was never charged. Cane finally realized her problem and coaxed Katherine to see a doctor. Murphy gave Nikki a letter to read aloud that Katherine had penned for them which asked them to remember her spirit of hope and determination in life, not her death. Contact the Star: Find out where to write to Jess Walton. However, Jill got the shock of her life in 2003 when Katherine found out that Jill was her long lost daughter! Jill came on hot & heavy to the newly divorced Jeff, seducing him in her office chair, but it wasn't long before he finally realized that the woman he wanted was Gloria. Saying he wants to look out for Neil, and that Devon's a good son to Neil. Devon was furious that he'd been betrayed by his own cousin, and was too hurt to forgive Elena. Jill and Esther began to set the plans in motion, and Murphy arrived with more instructions. After the baby was born, they were able to convince Chelsea to let them raise the baby, John, and Victoria adopted him to make it final. Devon and Lily would still be in charge of their division. Victor surprised her by putting an enormous price on it with a seemingly impossible deadline, before he would open it up to public sale. The agency refused to take the child without a name on a birth certificate, so to protect young socialite Kay, Charlotte had used her own name. Hilary tells him he was a means to an end and she can't wait to get away from him. With both bruised from their ended relationships, Larry and Jill began to bond. Seeing that Cane and Jill both seemed to miss the corporate world, Colin encouraged them to stage a takeover of Newman-Chancellor, which had been having financial problems ever since the Bonaventure scandal. Father Todd came from Michigan to officiate, and Danny sang. Meanwhile Kay was found by Marge's friend Murphy lying by the creek near the accident. Neil, Lily, Cane, Jill Colin, Devon, and Hilary all went to Chicago for business, and Neil watched Devon and Hilary, secretly annoyed. And after her husband was finally brought to justice, she filed for divorce. Jill and a Chancellor lawyer forced Kay to get checked out for her memory problems. He was searching for his mother and came to Genoa City from Australia on her lead. Hilary and Devon find it hard to steer clear of one another. Cane presented Sofia with a resume for James Collier and convinced her to hire him sight unseen, intending to do Colliers work himself, and using Colliers paycheck to pay the blackmail. Heather decided that she did not love Chance enough to give up her life to follow him, so they broke up. Billy went ballistic as Jill informed him that he and Cane would be Co-CEO's of Brash & Sassy until Billy could prove himself competent. So after this whole Fenmore fiasco, and with Robert now deceased Barbara can now go out and find her first born child which is Jill. Kay checked in to rehab and returned to the Chancellor estate clean and sober. Katherine said that she hoped that Jill had stopped cursing her over the music box, and had found the necklace and would wear it well and think of her. Who Is Jill Abbott's biological mother? More Profiles: Read up on dozens of other past and present Y&R characters. She announced that she was stepping down as CEO, and named Cane as her successor. Jill said they were through and walked out on him, but later made a deal to take him back and trust him again if he will go public about the Jabot buyout by Jack and Kay. A DNA test later proved him to be the real Phillip Chancellor, son of Jill. After Jill arranged for Genevieve to go on a month long business trip in Jill's place, Genevieve locked Colin in her wine cellar. Meanwhile, Amber and Kevin realized that the first letter of every sentence of the note "Marge" left when she disappeared spelled out CLINT. Before it was consummated, Jill found out she was pregnant, and told Phillip. Bernsen has been married to British actress Amanda Pays since 1988. Billy was livid that his "fake brother" was once again the favored son and grandson. TPTB can call her character Barbara Harris Mergeron as in Dina Abbott Mergeron's sister . Jill felt guilty that she drove her newly discovered mother to drink, asked Kay to move back home, and the mansion was restored back to the way it was, but Kay was still drinking. Jill went on to marry wealthy John Abbott, who gave her a job at Jabot, then had an affair with his son Jack, causing John to file for divorce. Jack told Ashley not to worry, once Katherine was proven alive she would reinstate them, and with the help of Jack's new PR person Mary Jane, Kay did make Jack CEO of Jabot again. Kevin and Amber tracked him down to the hotel where he was holding Kay and Esther, but Annie bluffed them into leaving. 'Young and the Restless' News: Jess Walton's Husband - Soap Dirt What Happened to Jill on THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS 1983-1987 Corbin Bernsen/Spouse. * Sued Lauren for half of Fenmore assets. She clings to her father instead. Afterward, Jill consulted attorney Leslie Michaelson about getting Colin deported following an annulment. But he also heard the rumor that it was Marge who was killed, and that Kay was trying to convince everyone that she was still alive, so he instructed his cohort Roger Wilkes to woo Esther and marry her as fast as possible or he may have to do something to keep Kay from "coming back from the dead". Another DNA test proved it. * Was let go from Jabot when Tucker McCall, her former lover, took over Chancellor Industries. She shoved him during their argument, and Colin fell over the balcony. Jill asked Michael to contest the will for her, but he and Lauren want to first see if they could help Jill figure out Katherine's challenge. I will still be watching from another room." Jill and Cane were there to meet with Kaito Yoshida of Oshiro Holdings, supposedly a Mitsukoshi major stockholder. Lily and Cane decided to remarry with a small family wedding on Valentine's Day everyone but his mother Genevieve whom Cane had disowned. Although he recovered, the damage inflicted by the disease resulted in total hearing loss. All her old friends were there, including Nina who came from California. Jill became involved with Jack Abbott romantically once again, something they both seemed to need. Jill arrived and tried to rescue Colin who was holding on to the edge by his hands. She suddenly declared to Murphy that she was actually Katherine Chancellor. Murphy finally arrived alone and told them what an exhilarating trip they had taken, hitting all the famous locations on Katherine's "bucket list", even including a ride on the world's tallest wooden roller coaster in Germany, dancing the flamenco in Barcelona, and zip-lining in the Sacred Valley. Devon tries to be there for Neil when he learns Neil caused Nikki's car to hit Christine, resulting in her losing her baby. John Abbott is a fictional character from the American CBS Daytime soap opera, The Young and the Restless. They admitted to still being in love with each other but weren't sure how to move forward. Later Jill arrived at Colin's hospital room and found Genevieve passionately kissing Colin as he lay in his bed with his face scraped raw and cracked ribs. Jill's Biological mother. - The Young and the Restless - Soaps.com's He called in Sofia, and when she tried to explain, he fired her and Cane. So they concocted the plan to give Jill and Kay a new son in Cane, making them all happy. Victoria got bumped from her connecting flight from New York City, and Cane and Jill went on ahead. Days later when Katherine's will was read, Jill, who was expecting to inherit everything, was disappointed that Cane was to retain the CEO position, the corporation ownership was to remain confidential, and all of Katherine's assets were doled out leaving her for last. After making love neither have any regrets, but their moment is interrupted when Neil leaves a voicemail on Hilary's phone asking her to come home. However, later that year, she had to return to Genoa City to clean up the mess Billy made when scheming against Adam. When he felt he was too old to have another child, Jill quickly got pregnant before he had his vasectomy, eventually giving birth to Billy Abbott. Afterward, a reception was held in the garden, while Genevieve tearfully watched from afar, and was only spotted by Jill, who didnt tell anyone. So she had the body exhumed again, opened the coffin and found it empty. But Sofia got Cane to admit that Blake was a fraud, and after hearing the story behind it, she agreed to help him get the blackmailers paid off to protect his family from harm. It is still unknown who the baby who grew up as Phillip really belonged to. Before she left town again, Jill made a New Years Eve attempt to reunite Cane and Lily, and made jobless Billy Co-CEO of Chancellor. Over the following days, Hilary continues to run into Devon and tries to find out how Neil's case is going. After that, a lawyer named Amanda Sinclair came to town to contest Katherine Chancellor's will. Colin was elated that the value of the ring enabled him to pay back Jill, and she forgave him. Then in 2010, Jill learned that her real father was Neil Fenmore, making Lauren Fenmore her sister! Mac and Billy both left town on their own, devastated by the news. The next time Jill saw him though, she told Jeffrey to forget it, she was not interested in playing his games. Not long after they returned to Genoa City, Jill fired Gloria. The FBI investigation found money given to Chow by Brad ended up with the mob when he gave it to Walter Palin AKA Tony Amato, and Brad was arrested for money-laundering. Jill refused to believe it until she woke up from surgery after stints had been inserted to correct the 80-100% blockage of her heart valves. Although Jill and Kay were very close, Jill ended up having an affair with Katherine's husband Phillip. Kay told Clint that she remembered kneeing him in the groin after she was freed from the first kidnapping, which convinced Clint that she was Kay and not Marge. But Kay was approached by Tucker McCall and ended up selling all the shares to him instead. But after what Cane did to save Lily by getting her to return and have surgery, that he was a good man, she forgave Cane and asked him to stay in Genoa City. Jill reluctantly requested another DNA test, and Cane was seen pulling a vial of blood from a freezer of dry ice marked Langley. Colin admitted that he had done it to get in on a big deal, and she tossed him out in the cold, yanking his bathrobe off as she shut the door. * Had an affair with Katherine's husband Phillip. * Learned that Cane is not really her son, and that Phillip sent him when he faked his death. The reveal that Katherine was actually Jill's biological mother forced these women to confront their past, their present and eventually their future. Kyle also gave Jack his first grandson in the form of young Harrison. Spoilers confirm with Donny Boaz in place as the recast, theres lots of questions about the legacy character who came back out of the blue. She confronted Tucker and threatened to ruin him with a charge of international corporate bribery. Kevin returned later, and Clint captured him too. Nate Hastings returned to Genoa City, now a Rheumatology specialist practicing in Boston, to perform the partial liver transplant on Ronan, using part of Chance's liver. Devon turned it into a family trip by inviting Neil and Hilary to come along. Jess Walton, Bio, Wiki, Age, Husband, Young And The Restless, Net Worth Lily arrived with Daniel, and Neil held her back as Cane jumped the pilot before he could take off with the twins in the plane. Mortified, Jill quickly found her way back into John's heart, and they remarried, much to his children's dismay. The Winters family continued to show Devon their love and support. The alarm company called Gloria since she was their last contact as the realtor. Ashley is a chemist who has worked for John's cosmetics company, Jabot, for years, developing their products. Jack arrived in time to see Jill regretfully turn him down. Jill was left the remainder of the assets, all but five percent of Kay's Jabot stock. Then Murphy revealed a plaque saying Chancellor Park. Devon and Hilary continued to spar until he gave her money and told her to leave. Early life [ edit] Devon quickly realizes that Hilary is responsible for Neil evading jail time. In 2006, only six months into his seven year prison sentence for the murder of Tom Fisher, Jill's ex-husband and still close friend, John Abbott, was about to be released early due to ill heath when he had a stroke and was rushed to GC Memorial in grave condition. Malcolm and Sofia arrived at the church and took the babies home, and when they walked into the house, a gust of wind blew Canes note between the furniture and the wall. Hilary admits that she still loves Devon and always has. They ended up sleeping together that night. However, Jill found out that she was pregnant with Phillip's child and ended her marriage with Brock before it was consummated. And his grandmother is Jill Abbott (Jess Walton). The Young And The Restless' Abbott Family Tree Explained - TheList.com Jill Foster Abbott Fenmore (previously Chancellor, Reynolds, Brooks, Thurston, Sterling and Atkinson) is a fictional character on The Young and the Restless, portrayed by Jess Walton since June 1987. The wedding was beautiful. The character was originated by Brenda Dickson in 1973 and remained until 1980 before returning in 1983 until 1987. The next morning Victoria resigned from Newman, and took the job at Brash & Sassy. Kay awoke, sure it was a dream, until she found the glass she fell asleep with in her hand was now on the table where Rex had put it.

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